1. Legal Mavericks (2017) - MyDramaList
27 aug 2022 · Cast & Credits · Vincent Wong in Legal Mavericks Hong Kong Drama (2017) · Sisley Choi in Legal Mavericks Hong Kong Drama (2017) · Ali Lee in Legal ...
Since losing his eyesight in an accident, Man Sun Hop has been continually harassed and despised. But instead, his determination and perseverance are...
2. Legal Mavericks 踩過界 - Facebook
Legal Mavericks (踩過界) is a TVB modern-day legal ... 谷微Vivian - 安守本份2017 ( "使徒行者2" ) · PICS.EE ... 電視劇集: 踩過界演員: 李佳芯飾演王勵凡王浩信...
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
3. Legal Mavericks (TV Series 2017-2020) - The Movie Database
Series Cast · Owen Cheung as Gogo Kuk · Owen Cheung. Gogo Kuk · Vincent Wong as Hope Man San Hap. Vincent Wong. Hope Man San Hap · Sisley Choi as Deanie "Dino" ...
Since losing his eyesight in an accident, Man Sun-Hop has been continually harassed and despised. But instead, his determination and perseverance are so reinforced that he has qualified as a barrister. He has also developed an acute sense beyond sight which helps him to gain the status of Blind Legal Knight in the legal profession. However, nobody really knows his true character. Fortunately, Kuk Yat-Ha, his flatmate and private detective, and ChiuChing-Mui, female legal executive with mob connections, are two buddies he can always rely on. The trio are known as Three Sword Fighters who never submit to power and are always ready to seek justice for the underprivileged. Sun-Hop’s provocative style has aroused the fancy of female judge Wong Lai-Fan, who cannot control her amorous feelings for him. Expanded to a quartet, their fate encounters turbulent changes while handling challenging legal cases. Reappearance of Sun-Hop’s father and Tai Tin-Yan, fellow sister from college, further complicates the situation, which Sun-Hop may not be able to unravel with his legal mastery.
4. Legal Mavericks | TVmaze
Show Guide for Legal Mavericks. Includes an episode list, cast and character list, character guides, gallery, and more.
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5. Ending Spoilers Revealed: “Legal Mavericks” Cast Urge HK Viewers ...
Ali Lee (李佳芯) stars as the high court judge Never, with Pal Sinn (單立文) playing T.Y., the drama's main villain. With the release of season two episodes on ...
The following article includes spoilers for Legal Mavericks, ending Sunday, September 24, 2017.
6. Legal Mavericks 踩過界(TVB Drama DVD) Collector's Edition
此剧为2017无线节目巡礼之一、无线海外业务及简介2017所推介的17部剧集之一,2017年香港国际影视展16部剧集之一。男主角王浩信于《星和无线电视大奖2017》及《万千星辉颁奖 ...
Legal Mavericks is a Legal, Crime, Detective television drama created by Lam Chi-wah and TVB.《踩过界》(又名:《盲侠大律师》)是TVB和爱奇艺联合出品的都市探案题材情感剧,由林志华监制,王浩信、蔡思贝、李佳芯、张振朗、朱千雪等主演。该剧主要讲述四位年轻人用不同的专业角色和处案手法,维护无辜者的法律权利,在情与法中伸张正义的故事。此剧为2017无线节目巡礼之一、无线海外业务及简介2017所推介的17部剧集之一,2017年香港国际影视展16部剧集之一。男主角王浩信于《星和无线电视大奖2017》及《万千星辉颁奖典礼2017》 中凭“文申侠”一角夺得“最佳男主角”殊荣,成为“视帝”。
7. Legal Mavericks S1 - mewatch
延续上辑《踩过界》的故事,绰号“盲侠”的失明大律师 ... Cast & Crew. Cast, Vincent Wong 王浩信Sisley Choi ... 2017. Genres, drama. Seasons, 2. Some Mature ...
Since losing his eyesight in an accident, Man Sun-Hop has been continually harassed and despised. But instead, his determination and perseverance are so reinforced that he hasqualified as a barrister. He has also developed an acute sense beyond sight which helps him to gain the status of Blind Legal Knight in the legal profession. 该剧主要讲述四位年轻人用不同的专业角色和处案手法,维护无辜者的法律权利,在情与法中伸张正义的故事
8. 踩過界第2集- 線上看- 戲劇- 港劇| HamiVideo
踩過界第2集. Legal Mavericks. 2017.香港.43分鐘 .保護級 .HD畫質. 類型. 港劇. 發音. 粵語, 國語. 星等. 0. 下架時間 2024年12月31日. 演員. 王浩信蔡思貝李佳芯 ...
See AlsoMorgan Turcott Facebook踩過界 第2集港劇線上看,申俠舉報了毒狗案的真兇,勝了官司,為無辜者洗脫了罪名,但申俠對正妹的熱情祝賀卻保持距離。而申俠本來清靜的獨居生活,卻因偵探一夏強勢的入侵而被打破,申俠被逼與一夏同居一室。申俠接傷人辯護案,他和正妹都相信女被告是遭非禮才作出自衛性攻擊;另一方面,一夏接下一宗尋人案,男客戶想尋回當年讀中學時的清純女神,一夏卻發現此女是出沒酒吧跳舞派對的性感女郎,更令人驚訝的是,她竟是主審申俠官司的女法官王勵凡。 導演:,演員:王浩信,蔡思貝,李佳芯,張振朗,單立文,朱千雪,林韋辰,陳庭欣
9. Legal Mavericks (2017) - Full Cast & Crew - MyDramaList
Dai Tak Yan / Dai Od / "T.Y." [Tin Yan's father]. Support Role. Tracy Chu. Dai Tin Yan / "Yanice" [Tak Yan's daughter]. Support Role.
Since losing his eyesight in an accident, Man Sun Hop has been continually harassed and despised. But instead, his determination and perseverance are...
10. 踩過界第18集- 線上看- 戲劇- 港劇| HamiVideo - 中華電信
踩過界第18集. Legal Mavericks. 2017.香港.42分鐘 .保護級 .HD畫質. 類型. 港劇. 發音. 粵語, 國語. 星等. 0. 下架時間 2024年12月31日. 演員. 王浩信蔡思貝李佳芯 ...
踩過界 第18集港劇線上看,天恩心軟想放棄官司,但立橋愛天恩,不想天恩陷於痛苦矛盾,終肯同意婚姻無效。勵凡因無法認同國涵只求贏官司的價值觀,與國涵分道揚鑣。天恩回復單身,不知她會情歸申俠或是立橋;天恩與申俠回大學,重溫美好時光,雙方對彼此仍有感覺,但申俠選擇放手,讓天恩去追求當奧比斯眼科醫生的夢想。申俠關心死裡逃生的正妹,申俠重遇天恩後,終願意表達對人的關懷;申俠生病狗兒給予申俠溫暖,人狗漸生感情。勵凡收到恐嚇信,一夏教勵凡防狼招式,彼此增進了感情;而寄恐嚇信的狂徒帶電油潛入勵凡家,欲縱火燒死她! 導演:,演員:王浩信,蔡思貝,李佳芯,張振朗,單立文,朱千雪,林韋辰,陳庭欣
11. Legal Mavericks (TV Series 2017-2020) - Translations
... 界的保守文化;私家侦探谷一夏,以灰色手法搜证,四人为了公义,纵然「踩界」亦义无反顾! Chinese (zh-HK). Name. 踩過界. Taglines. —. Overview. —. Chinese (zh-TW).
Since losing his eyesight in an accident, Man Sun-Hop has been continually harassed and despised. But instead, his determination and perseverance are so reinforced that he has qualified as a barrister. He has also developed an acute sense beyond sight which helps him to gain the status of Blind Legal Knight in the legal profession. However, nobody really knows his true character. Fortunately, Kuk Yat-Ha, his flatmate and private detective, and ChiuChing-Mui, female legal executive with mob connections, are two buddies he can always rely on. The trio are known as Three Sword Fighters who never submit to power and are always ready to seek justice for the underprivileged. Sun-Hop’s provocative style has aroused the fancy of female judge Wong Lai-Fan, who cannot control her amorous feelings for him. Expanded to a quartet, their fate encounters turbulent changes while handling challenging legal cases. Reappearance of Sun-Hop’s father and Tai Tin-Yan, fellow sister from college, further complicates the situation, which Sun-Hop may not be able to unravel with his legal mastery.
12. Kelly Cheung Prepared to Comparisons with Ali Lee in “Legal ...
The sequel to 2017's Legal Mavericks 2 <踩過界2> held its first press conference today, reuniting old cast members and introducing new ones. Starring ...
The sequel to 2017’s Legal Mavericks 2 <踩過界2> held its first press conference today, reuniting old cast members and introducing new ones.
13. Legal Mavericks | Watch in English Subtitles For Free - TVBAnywhere
... Legal Mavericks-踩過界. Legal Mavericks. 踩過界. 28 Episodes. Genre, Crime Drama. Cast, Vincent Wong Owen Cheung Sisley Choi Ali Lee. Year, 2017 ...
Since losing his eyesight in an accident, Man Sun-Hop has been continually harassed and despised. But instead, his determination and perseverance are so reinforced that he has qualified as a barrister. He has also developed an acute sense beyond sight which helps him to gain the status of Blind Legal Knight in the legal profession. However, nobody really knows his true character. Fortunately, Kuk Yat-Ha, his flatmate and private detective, and Chiu Ching-Mui, a legal executive with mob connections, are two buddies he can always rely on. The trio is known as the Three Sword Fighters who defy the powerful and are always ready to seek justice for the underprivileged.
14. 踩過界| Legal Mavericks (TV) - Works - Archive of Our Own
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works