Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (2024)

Table of Contents

  • +Introduction
    • 1. Role in the Current Meta
    • 2. Doomfist Synergies
    • 3. Doomfist Counters
    • 4. Doomfist Is Strong Against
    • 5. Doomfist TL;DR Tips
    • 6. Reading Further for Doomfist
    • 7. Changelog
  • ×Abilities and Strategy
    • 1. Doomfist TL;DR Tips
    • 2. General Playstyle
    • 3. The Best Defense...
    • 4. Hand Cannon
    • 5. Rocket Punch
    • 6. Rising Uppercut
    • 7. Seismic Slam
    • 8. Meteor Strike
    • 9. Combos for Doomfist
      • 9.1. Damage Combo
      • 9.2. Mobility Combo
        • 9.2.1. Rising Uppercut and Rocket Punch
        • 9.2.2. Rising Uppercut and Seismic Slam
        • 9.2.3. Rocket Punch and Seismic Slam
        • 9.2.4. All Basic Abilities
        • 9.2.5. Using Your Ultimate in a Combo
  • +Synergies and Matchups
    • 1. Synergies
      • 1.1. Zarya
      • 1.2. Ana
      • 1.3. Winston
      • 1.4. D.Va
    • 2. Counters
      • 2.1. Soldier: 76
      • 2.2. Pharah
      • 2.3. Sombra
      • 2.4. Orisa
    • 3. Strong Against
      • 3.1. Genji
      • 3.2. Reinhardt
      • 3.3. Ana

On this page, you will find a detailed overview of the abilitiesthat Doomfist has access to. We also explain how to bestuse these abilities.

The other pages of our Doomfist guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.


Doomfist TL;DR Tips

  • Comboing abilities in any order is the most efficient way of finishing off enemies that you face. See our combo section on the abilities page for more details on this.
  • Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (1) Rocket Punch can be used as an efficient gap closer to put pressure on an enemy, regardless of the amount of damage coming from it.
  • Overextending as Doomfist can be incredibly dangerous, especially when trying to engage an entire team. Focus on a target and bring them down before deciding if you need to retreat or not.
  • If a fight is turning against you, use one of your mobility abilities to simply disengage and heal up. Doomfist has a huge hitbox for his health pool and can find himself being targeted down quickly.
  • Use Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (2) Meteor Strike to focus a single enemy, such as a backline support that can be quickly removed from the fight, rather than wasting it and trying to hit the whole enemy team.
  • You can only use Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (3) Meteor Strike to move to higher ground if there is a physical wall to climb up to it. If there is not one, you will move under it.


General Playstyle

Doomfist is an incredibly punishing hero that has a very high-risk,high-reward playstyle. It is incredibly important to communicate with your teamin regards to what target you are focusing as well as where you are diving.

When pushing a target, make sure to keep a close eye on what is happening inthe rest of the fight. Doomfist rides the wave of success of his teammates andis excellent at pushing the advantage. When enemies are pressured by your team,support them and secure the kills, darting between the different fights.

When fights start to move against your team and you start losing the fight,you need to make a decision to retreat. With a large HP pool, especially withhis shields included, Doomfist can feed ultimates incredibly quickly. You willneed to disengage when the fight starts to become lost, especially since youhave such a large variety of movement abilities to escape with.

Perfecting your playstyle as Doomfist relies on your ability to pay attentionto how a teamfight moves, similar to how Genji is mastered. Keep a closeeye on the killfeed and the ultimates used by each team to decide whether thefight is being won or lost.


The Best Defense...

Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (4)

The Best Defense...Doomfist

  • Passive

Dealing damage with abilities creates temporary personal shields.

This is Doomfist's most defensive skill and, with proper management of it,you can hugely extend the amount of time spent sitting on the enemy backline.The shield will trigger and grant +30 HP as a shield for every enemy hit withone of your non-ultimate abilities (this does not include your ultimate orprimary fire). The ability will grant +75 HP as a shield for every enemy hitwith your ultimate. It is worth noting that you will not receive the shieldimmediately as there is a 1 second delay before it is applied.

This ability is key to surviving as Doomfist, but it will not make youinvincible. You need to keep a very close eye on the decay of the shield, whichoccurs at a rate of 3 shield HP per second. There are times when, while escapingfrom a fight, you are more likely to survive if you trigger this ability whilefleeing. Moving slightly backwards to re-engage an enemy just to trigger theshield will potentially allow you to survive while escaping.


Hand Cannon

Doomfist's primary fire deals 66 damage per use, with each shot firing 6pellets. There are a total of 4 shots in each clip of the gun and, with a strongdamage output per second, it has a large spread of fire when used, similar tothe shotguns of Reaper. It is worth noting that this gun cannot be forcereloaded and instead generates shot charges over time.

This is your only real ranged ability that can be used from safety and it canbe used in two main ways. With the spread on it, it can be used to poke theenemy prior to engaging them in the hopes of lowering their HP, or it can beused to finish an enemy off after you have used your combo.


Rocket Punch

Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (6)

Rocket Punch(RMB)Doomfist

  • Cooldown: 4 seconds

Hold to charge then release to launch forward and knock and enemy back. Damage increases if the enemy hits a wall.

Doomfist's alternate fire propels him forward after a period of charging,dealing 49-100 damage depending on the amount of time spent charging. With acooldown of 4 seconds, this ability provides a huge amount of mobility toDoomfist and can be used to separate enemy teams swiftly. Rocket Punch willdisplace you from 10-23 metres in the direction you are facing and then knock anenemy back. If they hit a wall, you will deal up to 150 damage, depending onthe charge time.

This is an incredibly potent ability that can not only be used to repositionenemies, but also to completely remove them from a fight via environmentalkills. From an offensive perspective, this can be used at full charge tocompletely remove an enemy from a fight by instantly killing them with the wallimpact effect. To do so, you need to aim well and ensure you position yourselfto slam them into a wall.

Defensively, you can use this ability to completely halt an enemy push. Whenenemies dive onto your backline, you can position yourself to knock them backand away from your healers instantly. This is an incredibly potent defensivemove when helping heroes like Ana that simply cannot move awaythemselves when being targeted by a big dive hero, such as D.Va orWinston.

Given the short cooldown, this ability is absolutely perfect for bothengaging an enemy and also removing yourself from a fight.


Rising Uppercut

Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (7)

Rising Uppercut(LShift)Doomfist

  • Cooldown: 7 seconds

Knock and enemy into the air.

While this ability still has a relatively short cooldown of 7 seconds, itonly deals 50 damage and is often best used to survey a fight or in a longcombo. Given the low output, it can give you a perfect vantage point to viewwhat is happening in a fight and to see, from what is a bird's eye view, whichheroes are either out of position or far enough away to be picked off. It alsoallows you to see who is placed perfectly you to Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (8) Rocket Punch them into awall.

With such a low amount of damage, keeping Rising Uppercut off cooldown inorder to use for mobility is often the best choice. It allows you to alsoposition yourself away from enemy attacks, such as by dodging the Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (9) Charge ofReinhardt or a Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (10) Dragonstrike from Hanzo.

For use of this ability as a potent damage spell, refer to our combo sectionat the bottom of the page.

Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (11)

Seismic Slam(E)Doomfist

  • Cooldown: 7 seconds

Leap forward and smash the ground.

This is another ability that Doomfist can rely on as either damage-focused ormobility-focused and, with a cooldown of 7 seconds, it lines up perfectly withRising Uppercut to be used as a combo for either goal.

It launches Doomfist forward and he slams into the ground, dealing up to 125damage and pulling enemies towards him when he lands. This can be used to neatlycombo with a few ultimates of allies, like Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (12) Halt! from Orisa, butit does not add the slow that Halt does. With good enough timing, it is stillpossible to secure a kill inside a friendly Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (13) Dragonstrike, for example,but it is much harder to pull off than with Orisa.

It is worth noting that Seismic Slam does not have a particularly long range,so take care when using it to return from an environmental hazard. You can useit to move around maps when used in the mobility combo at the bottom of thepage.


Meteor Strike

Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (14)

Meteor Strike(Q)Doomfist

  • Ultimate

Press Q to leap into the air. Move the targeting circle (with the direction keys) and then press LMB to strike the targeted area.

Meteor Strike allows Doomfist to launch himself into the air for 4 seconds inwhich he can move a circular cursor around the map. After the timer hasfinished, Doomfist will slam into the ground and deal damage in a circle aroundhim, with those in the epicenter being hit for 300 damage.

This ability is incredibly potent when used correctly and can remove an enemyfrom a teamfight before it has even started, given that it can one-shot themajority of the hero roster outside of the tanks. With careful planning and astrong use of your other abilities to navigate through the map, you can sneakup behind an enemy backline and immediately eliminate one of, if not more, oftheir supports or damage dealers.

When used in combination with Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (15) Graviton Surge, this changes from anincredible mobility ultimate to an unhealable damage dealer which, most notably,cannot be stopped by a Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (16) Transcendence from Zenyatta, since it deals the damagein one hit.

Your best time to use the ultimate is once a fight has actually begun, sinceenemies will be less likely to be ready to react to you and more likely to makean error in where they move.


Combos for Doomfist

Doomfist is a character that allows for the perfect meshing of his abilities.There are two main categories of combo that can be used and we have covered thembelow as the mobility and damage combo.


Damage Combo

This combo is the best way of dealing burst damage with Doomfist and shouldbe mastered as soon as possible. It is an incredible way of efficientlyeliminating an enemy in any engagement.

To execute this combo, you will use the following sequence of abilities:

  1. Use Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (17) Rising Uppercut on an enemy.
  2. Use Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (18) Rocket Punch to slam the enemy into a wall or an open area.
  3. Use Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (19) Seismic Slam to land on the enemy and finish them off.
  4. If the enemy still survives, use your primary fire to finish them off whileyour cooldowns reset.

This is an incredibly important part of playing Doomfist effectively and ifit is not properly mastered, your damage output in high impact situations willbe far below what is required. This combo should be second nature to you so thatyou are not worrying about the sequence of abilities when you need to focus onother things.


Mobility Combo

There are a variety of combos available to Doomfist depending on the distancethat needs to be travelled, as well as the height difference that needs to beovercome. It is advisable that you are aware of all of the combinations,regardless of how you choose to use them.


Rising Uppercut and Rocket Punch

This combo is best used when trying to move to a platform that is either farin distance, higher than you, or both. You can use the moves in any order, butit will depend on where you want to reach. If you are trying to reach somethingthat is far away, but on the same height level as you, use Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (20) Rising Uppercutfirst. If you are trying to reach something that is far away, but on a higherheight level than you, use Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (21) Rocket Punch first. This is due to the slowdescent that follows Rising Uppercut, meaning you will not be able to charge RocketPunch quickly enough.


Rising Uppercut and Seismic Slam

This combo is primarily used to reach a ledge above you. You can useDoomfist Abilities and Strategy (22) Rising Uppercut to jump up, followed by Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (23) Seismic Slam to jump forwardonto the ledge.


Rocket Punch and Seismic Slam

This will only ever be used to travel a long distance forward from a highlocation to a much lower one. You can Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (24) Rocket Punch forward and then useDoomfist Abilities and Strategy (25) Seismic Slam to jump the rest of the distance to the location.


All Basic Abilities

By combining all three basic abilities, it is possible to perform a largemobility combo to reach areas that are far away. Combine the different combosabove to perfect a variety of combinations that can make you close distancesand flank the enemy team without ever having to engage them.


Using Your Ultimate in a Combo

There is not much point in going through the steps of mastering the comboswithout learning how to effectively make use of them. After positioning yourselfperfectly, you can easily execute a deadly ultimate with the correct timing. Usethe combos above to navigate difficult passageways, such as under the map onKing's Row or above the point B on Temple of Anubis, and scout the enemy team asyou move. When you find a target, simply weave your ultimate into the end of acombo and unleash it. They normally will not have any idea you are coming and youare certain to get a few kills out of it.

About our Author

Blainie is a Grand Master Support and Tank player, with a focus on analysisof gameplay and the meta surrounding Overwatch. He regularly streams his rankedgames on Twitch, where he can answerany questions you may have about the game or guides.


Synergies and Matchups⋙

Doomfist Abilities and Strategy (2024)
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