Scandalous - Chapter 4 - Within_Our_Hearts - 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú (2024)

Chapter Text

A new day dawned, and Xie Lian awoke, his head heavy with the remnants of the night before. He stumbled into the bathroom, his reflection a testament to the wild night he couldn't quite remember. His dress was a mystery. His makeup was a mess. The night had started innocently enough with a ride home from the alpha, but a few drinks and a reckless joyride in a sports car had led to him passing out in the passenger seat. Now, as he stood in this unfamiliar bathroom, the reality of his situation hit him like a ton of bricks. How had he ended up here?

Now that sense started returning to him, he realized this wasn’t his home. This wasn’t his bed, this wasn’t his bathroom, this wasn’t his apartment. Where was he? He ran towards his phone, and sure enough, many worried messages from his friends asking where he had gone. The room that he was in was a crimson red, so his new collab partner must’ve brought him to another place he owned. He walked into the bathroom again and quickly cleaned his face up. Luckily, there were some toiletries along with a new toothbrush and toothpaste. His host was lovely. Once somewhat polished, he searched for the mask he had worn the night before and stepped out of the room.

After Valentine's Day at the bar, this felt like a walk of shame: yesterday’s outfit, alcohol stink, and messy hair. He groaned. He had a lot to explain when he got back. He closed the ornate door behind him and was left utterly shocked. This place was a stark contrast to his current state. The long windows facing the beautiful beach, the semi-goth and punk-inspired decor, and the costly guitars and instruments were a world away from his usual surroundings. Long paintings lined the walls like they were all handcrafted.

The condo owner sat at the head of the table, looking over some papers with a cup of coffee beside him. Hua Cheng’s mask was set aside, and Xie Lian finally saw his face. He notices the eyepatch and that beautiful mahogany-coloured eye following the page. He glanced up at Xie Lian when he heard the other’s heels clip against the tile and motioned for him to sit at the table.

The omega saw a cloche covering the food, but whatever it was, it smelt delicious. Aside from the set around the plate, the dishes were already cleaned up, so Chengzhu must’ve been awake for a while before he or someone else set this up. Either way, Xie Lian would be a fool to turn down a free, delicious meal.

He lifted the cloche and saw a beautiful congee with salted chicken, caramelized onion, and coriander. The aroma alone was enough to make his mouth water. The little omega couldn’t help but gasp happily as he dug in. He hadn’t had this since he left home. He looks at Hua Cheng with a bright smile, and the alpha chuckles softly. “I see my cooking pleases you.”

“That shouldn’t be surprising. Anything you do has pleased me.” Xie Lian said, “I might be biased, though, as your fan.”

“A fan already? We’ve only just talked.” The alpha responded with a playful wink. Xie Lian felt his chest-beating fast.

The omega chuckled, pointing to the delicious meal before him, “You keep feeding me like this, and I will be your number one fan.”

“Is that all it takes?” He sets the papers aside, walking over to the living room where he had set his phone down, “If that’s so, I’ll make sure you’re well-fed every day.”

“Thank you.” He hummed as the delicious meal melted in his mouth. He gave a happy hum while he continued to eat. He didn’t want to keep the other waiting too long, considering the plan for the day. But it did make him think of one thing he wanted to ask.

“I thought you were going to take me home, Chengzhu.”

“Didn’t I?” The alpha responded, typing quickly on his phone.

“Oh? This is your home?”

“Well, it’s more of a residence than anything. But it’s where I spend most of my time when I’m not at the office.”

Xie Lian nodded, taking in the beautiful view of the beach. It was a nice view. After finishing the meal, he took his dishes over to the kitchen. High-tech wasn’t even the word to describe the kitchen. Everything screamed at the top of the line, and he felt out of place here. What would he do if he broke something? Would Hua Cheng be angry with him?

The other seemed to sense his uneasiness and walked over to the kitchen, taking the dishes from him and setting them into the dishwasher. He didn’t seem annoyed, making Xie Lian feel more comfortable. The alpha took his hand, walking him over to the room he stayed in for the night. Hua Cheng opened one of the closets, and plenty of recently bought clothes suiting an omega’s tastes were all hung up. There was one he instantly gravitated to, looking over Hua Cheng for confirmation.

The alpha nodded in approval, “Your outfit, although very sexy on you, I’m sure you’d like something a bit more comfortable and refreshing. I’ll leave you here to change.”

Xie Lian pulled the outfit out with a loose creme blouse and a long brown panel skirt. There was a pair of classy black heels to go with them, and he decided to wear his hair down. The omega cleaned up the makeup from the previous night, opening up his purse to place a light amount on his face. He eyed his complexion, stepping out. He felt much better; a pumpkin latte would do wonders for him. He loved the outfit. It suited him.

It made him wonder why the other would have omega-style clothes sitting in a room off to the side.

A small tag is still attached to the outfit. Xie Lian pulled it up to look at the price and nearly sh*t himself. It was more than his rent, food and hydro for the month. This simple outfit was from Aurora, one of his favourite brands, and he didn’t even recognize it. What if he got food on it and stained it? What if it got ripped? At least with Shi Qingxuan, it would not have been a big deal if he had ruined the outfit. Most of the time, he forgets about his clothes if something happens to them.

He poked his head out of the room and walked over to the main room. However, as soon as the alpha saw him, he tossed a coat over and grabbed his keys. “Shall we, beautiful?”

Xie Lian blushed and pulled the coat on his tiny frame. He handed the expensive tag over to Hua Cheng, pouting softly. The alpha snorted, “Only the best for an influential fashionista.”

“I’m not influential, and I can’t afford this if it gets damaged,” Diànxià answered.

“Diànxià, did you read the contract?”

“I did. And it said nothing about expensive outfits.”

Hua Cheng smiled like the Cheshire cat, “No, it didn’t, but it did say that I can offer you stuff that will benefit me and my set in the long run.”

“How does this benefit you?”

“I get to look at your beauty. I count that as a benefit.”

Xie Lian’s cheeks turn bright red, and the other man softly leans in to whisper, “Besides, it’s yours. Whatever happens to it is up to you. If you want to rip it off, I’ll help in every way, shape, and form. Understood.”

The smaller omega nodded, and something about that commanding atmosphere the other had made his heart beat faster. This man had an aura of f*ck around and find out, and Xie Lian felt a little dizzy from it all. The pheromones were not overpowering, but his tone and alpha voice spoke a different story. The suppressants this man was on must be strong.

They drove to the local cafe, discussing random items, from favourite musicians to artwork and different interests. Xie Lian learned that most of the paintings in Hua Cheng’s place were handpainted by him. The alpha looked surprised when the omega listed off an assortment of music he liked, including punk and classical. The two bonded over interests of all types to the Manor, which looked dead.

Xie Lian checked the 30 missed calls from Mu Qing and Shi Qingxuan with a sigh, opting to text them quickly to let them know he was safe. His phone exploded with a loud ring that the omega promptly muted. Honeyed eyes glance over at Hua Cheng, but the alpha only snorts. He leans over to the glove compartment and pulls out his mask before handing one to the omega to wear. It’s a pure white mask that covers the eyes with beautiful decorative pink and purple flowers that follow along the edge.

He quickly put it on, and they entered the building. There was a strangeness about how empty and quiet the bar was. Just last night, there was a party, and now it was a ghost town. Hua Cheng noticed a man exit the back room and gave him a nod. The other man eyed him with a raised brow before saying, “Your friends wanted me to tell you to call them. I think Kitten mentioned demand somewhere, but I’m not stupid.”

“Tell him he’s fine. He’s with me,” Hua Cheng answered for him. He grabbed the omega's hand and guided him back to his office.

Yin Yu chuckled, “That was part of the problem.”

The Alpha chuckled, dipping into the other room. It was a matter for a later time. Now, Xie Lian felt his heart racing a bit. Were they going to start? Was this the film hour? He wasn’t expecting it so soon, but he couldn’t say he didn’t want it. Chengzhu was handsome, thoughtful and very considerate. He even showed his natural face, which made Xie Lian smile warmly. They both knew what they looked like, but he said nothing negative about his appearance.

Something was racing in the more petite man’s mind, though, “H-Hey Chengzhu?”

“Yes?” The alpha answered, moving behind his desk momentarily to open up his computer.

“What happened?” As the other glanced at him, he noticed Xie Lian motioning towards his eye. The alpha frowned. It was a touchy subject for him, but he understood the worry. The omega felt out of place momentarily when he didn’t answer but walked over to the desk. He wrapped his arms around Hua Cheng’s shoulders and sat on his lap. “You don’t have to tell me. I just want to find out more about you.”

“I know,” the other said, touching the omega’s waist. Just don’t go sharing. You are one of the rare people who get to see me maskless. Consider it a special privilege, considering our special agreement.”

“Understood.” Xie Lian chuckles as he gets up and walks to the door. “Are we filming today? I don’t have any clothes with me, and I desperately need a shower.”

“Yes, we are, and take your time. I’ll be here, call me when you are ready. Also, don’t you know by now that I’ve taken care of your outfits? I’m sure you’ll find something suitable in the closet.”

Xie Lian’s face flushed bright pink. “How?” How did this man know his style and have the budget to buy him clothes? Hearing a playful snort behind him, he left, entered his room, and pulled open the wardrobe. Different outfits, from camisoles, chemises, body suits, and even pairs of hose, lined the many shelves. Bunny suits, maid costumes, student uniforms and even some corsets were further down the shelves, along with some plain outfits for leaving after they finished filming. Aftercare and toys all fit in little boxes, each still in their packages to keep them sanitary and lined the bottom shelves.

He had thought of everything. Xie Lian wasn’t used to such care. He brushed along the different outfits, pulling out a beautiful white chemise with white lace along the v-neck. Lace follows along the hips, which would be great for showcasing a tiny waist and an opaque skirt for a tease. There was a cute white matching lace thong that went with it. Perfect. That would be his outfit. The soft omega’s eyes turned to a matching pair of white Mary Janes with a white pom pom on each tip and stockings.

He took his shower quickly, trying not to take up much of the alpha’s time. He put on the outfit and took a look in the mirror. The mask sat perfectly, framing his face down to the lovely frame of the chemise that filled out nicely around his chest. He just needed one more accent. He walked over and grabbed the cheapest tube of red lipstick he could find. He had various makeup, but only a cheap stick would give the effect he wanted. He dabbed a bit on his lips, pouting softly before humming in approval. He wrapped himself in a light silk housecoat and walked to the alpha’s room.

He saw the door left open, and that smell of pheromones hit him hard. He had to tap his cheeks to stay focused lightly, but he felt his body heating up. There was no way for suppressants to hide pure arousal, so this room was caked in the alpha’s scent. The omega in him could practically pure with delight as his honeyed eyes landed on the man in question. Hua Cheng was already in his bathrobe, fiddling with one of the cameras pointed toward the divan as he entered the room.

He could have sworn he heard the other inhale a sharp breath before placing the camera back on the tripod, but he wasn’t sure. Chengzhu pats the divan beside him, beckoning the omega to sit. That sultry voice whispered in Xie Lian’s ear as soon as he sat down, “I can’t wait to see what’s fully under all this.”

Xie Lian felt another shiver run down his spine, chuckling softly. His cheeks turned a smidge pink as he glanced at the cameras. He needed a distraction. “So what do you have planned?”

The alpha stood up and guided him to lie on his side with his head propped up on the side of the divan. “Let me know if you’re uncomfortable,” the alpha said as he moved the chemise around to give the cameras a beautiful tease of the thigh. He brushed some strands of chestnut hair behind the omega’s ear.

The omega glanced away. He could not meet Hua Cheng's gaze without blushing, even with the mask covering his eyes. But a guiding finger tilted his face back towards the cameras with a co*cky grin to greet him.

After Hua Cheng was satisfied, he went over to the cameras. As their eyes met, the alpha gave quite a mischievous smirk like a fox about to get his favourite meal, and Xie Lian felt his heart stop. But it was action time, so he placed his index finger in his mouth and curved his head to give off that cute, doe-eyed, innocent prince look. Even with something covering his eyes, he knew it would give off that weak omega in distress look, making any alpha go feral, which he wanted. There was a sudden click, and the cameras were on.

It was show time.

He felt the cushion dip and a burning hand gently running up his thigh. That musky scent grew, driving Xie Lian crazy. The alpha leaned into his space to whisper in his ear. An alluring voice said, “Well, well, well. What have we here?” That confidence wasn’t something the omega was prepared for, but then again, he was an alpha. How could he not be like this? “Looks like a little minx caught in my trap.” His hands grabbed Xie Lian’s wrists, holding them above his head.

“Mmmmh.” The other whimpered. Xie Lian had to think fast. What sort of act did he want to put on: the sassy brat or the sweet, innocent omega? He playfully fought against his restraints, “Let me go!”

“Or else what?” A tongue dipped down and brushed against his earlobe while those hands gripped against his wrists harder. Another hand slid down his waist and hip to play with the delicate edge of the chemise, brushing the fabric up a bit.

The more petite man felt another shudder run down his spine while Hua Cheng’s hand slid up to grope against one of his breasts. He gasped, and his nipple hardened against the silky fabric. Diànxià moaned. “C-Chengzhu!”

“Yes?” the other whispered with a provocative chuckle. What’s the matter?” He grabbed a silk rope and tied the two hands to the divan. “You fell into my trap, your highness. I must be a good host and ensure you are well cared for.”

“Mmmngh!” Xie Lian fought against the rope to no avail. Chengzhu was skilled with his knots and would be stuck there for some time. A bit of slickness started to leak against the thong's fabric, and he was sure the alpha could smell him. Hua Cheng leaned in to capture his lips in a passionate kiss. Xie Lian was sure to leave a small kiss at the side of his mouth just to smear that bit of lipstick against the other’s pale skin. The reason for the cheaper lipstick was to leave these little kiss marks against his skin. The little omega felt quite proud of himself when the other brushed a finger across his cheek in surprise.

He could sense a bit of firelight on the other, and those hands practically attacked his chest, flicking against those hardened buds with no remorse. Xie Lian bit against his bottom lip, trying to hold back a long, drawn-out cry, tears running down his cheeks as the stimulation drove him wild. Lips smacked against his own with a feverous need, and he felt the other slide between his thighs.

The camera was almost forgotten, but Xie Lian caught on that Chengzhu had skillfully placed a second one to capture this particular angle. He whimpered, tilting his head to reveal his neck to those hungry lips. Hua Cheng dove in, licking and sucking until little marks appeared on that beautiful jade skin—red smudges against the omega’s neck from the leftover lipstick left on the alpha’s lips. “Nnngh!”

“Diànxià voice is so delicious when under me.” Chengzhu continued, kissing lower and lower. He left a trail of little marks down his collarbone. One particular bite made the omega squeak underneath him. He gave that spot a little lick, brushing his lips over it as a soft apology.

The omega prince hooked his leg up to hook his leg over his fox of a partner’s shoulder. He pouts, but the alpha only tilts his head to kiss along that exposed thigh. Those long fingers dug into the soft flesh, massaging red lines along his thigh. Xie Lian’s breath hitched when he saw that mask point at him. He couldn’t see it but could feel the smouldering gaze looking right at him.

“What can I do for you, Diànxià?”

“What we agreed on.”

“What did we agree on?” The other was a good actor, playing him like a chess game.

“You know what we agreed on.” Xie Lian pouted. Chengzhu was quite a tease.

That hand brushed against the clothed erection, making the small omega mewl softly. “What’s that? What would you like?”

Xie Lian knew it was futile. Unless he spoke, the other wasn’t going to move. Not unless the little prince gave him precisely what the alpha wanted. He couldn’t help but blush deeper. He wasn’t used to being so vocal about his wants; this subject always made him shy. He stuttered, “Erm . . . I want . . .” His cheeks flushed, and he tilted his head away from Chengzhu.

The alpha didn’t have any of that. He reached his hand up to grab the omega’s chin and force him to look at him, “Yes?”

“I-I . . . I-I . . . want you to eat me out.” Xie Lian finally stuttered out the words and felt embarrassment crawl up his spine, but the alpha’s wild grin gave him an air of confidence he never really felt before.

Hua Cheng gave him a wicked look as he whispered, “Good boy.” The petite man was frozen in his place while he watched the man dive under the chemise and lick against his clothed erection. A long-drawn moan escaped him as a rush of pleasure washed over him. His wrists pulled on the ribbon, desperate for freedom, while the other teased him.

Two expertly skilled hands brushed the chemise up to the omega’s soft belly as the alpha cleared the view for the camera. His hot mouth didn’t pause for a second while he brushed his tongue along the omega’s co*ck. He hooked his fingers with the lace panties and very carefully pulled them down. A strand of slick followed the fabric as the omega’s hole glistened with arousal. It made the alpha’s mouth water. To think that wet hole would be in his mouth soon. The thought made him tear the lace right off the man’s legs.

His partner was no help in quenching his thirst. Xie Lian's tear-stricken face and smudged red makeup made him flush even darker; he looked so delicious. “You look so good, Diànxià. I just want to eat you up.”

A tongue darted out over the tip of the omega’s co*ck, coaxing a long whimper out of him. “C-Chengzhu p-please.” The other cried, bucking his hips in the other’s mouth.

The alpha pulled the shaft in his mouth, sucking tightly while a hand teased against the omega’s entrance. Copious amounts of slick covered his fingers while they brushed against the hole, sliding in carefully. The omega answered with a long, sweet moan, bucking his hips up against the alpha’s mouth. “Yes! Chengzhu!” He was at this man’s mercy.

His tongue ran the shaft length of each cry Xie Lian made while he hummed in approval. He felt those thighs wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to that needy co*ck. He couldn’t help but pause for a moment to tease the other. He didn’t forget about what Diànxià requested the night before. “Oh Diànxià. You are so wet for me.” As his fingers dove in, wet noises echoed in the room. “All ready for my knot.”

He lifted himself to be next to Diànxià’s ear, the other a quivering mess below. He wasn’t stopping his fingers any time soon. “Do you want to be filled?” Squelch, squelch. Does Diànxià want my knot?”

“Y-Yes!” The omega arched into his hand.

“You are just losing it under my touch. So sexy.”


“Such a good boy.”

“YES!” Xie Lian bit his lip. He could feel the pleasure grow and was doing his best not to come on the spot. The other pressed buttons that drove him wild, and he loved the response. The fingers stopped, pulling out. Xie Lian whined for them to return.

“Relax.” The other said, pulling his thighs apart. The camera caught his glistening, wet, coated cheeks just perfectly before another flash of that wicked grin disappeared between them. A tongue flicked out, brushing up all the slick at his entrance, and the omega wept in ecstasy. He was so needy, and that tongue was hungry for every part of him, thrusting in and out of his needy hole.

Xie Lian was in bliss, bucking his hips up to meet that hungry tongue each time it slipped in. “Nnngh!” His erection grew needy the more that tongue dipped in, devouring all that it could. The alpha groaned in approval, enjoying the delicious meal and the sights and sounds the other made. He was truly magnificent for the camera, an actual princess.

The alpha’s tongue hit that particular spot because the other practically screamed. His thighs tightened around Hua Cheng’s shoulders as he arched up into the tongue for more. Mewls dripped from his lips as a bit of drool slid down his chin. His co*ck was aching to be touched. Gone was the shyness, and what replaced it was a true delight. The omega glanced down at him, bottom lip quivering as he asked, “M-mmmmmh. Chengzhu, please.”

“Please, what?” He asked between sliding his tongue back and forth against that spot—slick coated the other man’s lips.

“T-Take me.” He arched back into the divan, “I want it so bad.”

The alpha gripped the edge of the divan quite aggressively. It took all his resolve not to dive in and give this precious princess precisely what he was asking for. But that wasn’t in their agreement, and Chengzhu wouldn’t go against it. Instead, he used his free hand to pump the other’s leaking co*ck in time with each flick of his tongue.

This worked. Xie Lian to the core. He strained his arms against the ribbon, nearly ripping it, and cried out, “GEGE PLEASE!” His whole body shook with pleasure as ropes shot out over his chest. His thighs tightened around the other’s shoulders, moaning as pleasure coursed through his veins.

His climax felt so good against the other’s tongue. Those tight walls squeezed against him while a flood of slick coated his mouth. Hua Cheng pulled away, darting his tongue over his lips to clean up. He watched the other come down from his high, leaning in to kiss those red lips with his coated lips. He let the omega taste the delicious slick he gave him. He felt the other press up against him, and two strong hands gripped those hips into place.

There was a soft whimper as he pulled away. Two red lips pouted at him, and Hua Cheng chuckled. “Diànxià did so well.” He moved to kiss the tears running down the prince’s face.

“M-More. Alpha, please.”

Two fingers are gently placed on those pouting lips, “Shhhh. Diànxià.” He leaned in to whisper, “We can’t give them everything.” He mentioned, referring to their fans, “They’ll have to keep watching if they want to see my knot in you. Hmmmm?”

Knot. Xie Lian shivered. He wanted it so bad. He could feel the other’s swollen erection against his thigh. He wanted it so bad. But the alpha held him in place. All he could do was whimper as the other finished the video. “You all don’t want this needy omega to go without, don’t you? You’ll have to give this video lots of tips so we can see your pretty hole full to the brim with my co*ck.”

“Y-Yes!” the omega mewled, “Please.” He was weak, and his desire for that fat knot to be inside him climbed through him.

“Good boy.” The other praised as he pressed a button.

All the cameras shut off, and the man above him got severe. He looked down at the needy boy, giving him another kiss, and said, “We’re all done.”

“I-I know.” They both wanted more but couldn’t agree, so that Hua Cheng wouldn’t push it. He pulled the silk rope free, letting the other rest there momentarily. He felt terrible pulling off the other and walking into the bathroom. Feeling blue wasn’t the word for this. His co*ck was straining for some sort of touch or release. He took a moment to just come to his senses.

Xie Lian wasn’t doing much better. He got up from the divan and followed the alpha to the bathroom. Hua Cheng barely cleaned up before the omega wrapped his arms around his shoulders, hopping up on the balls of his feet to kiss Hua Cheng deeply. Their lips danced together, tongues flicking out to play with the others. “I-I’m on pills. It’s safe. I’m consenting. I want you. Please.” He whispered in between desperate kisses.

The alpha grabbed his hips, sitting him on the counter's edge. Those beautifully marked legs wrapped around his hips while he pressed his co*ck against the omega’s entrance. He leaned in to kiss the other again, ensuring everything was good before pushing in. They both cried out in delight at the sensation. He didn’t stop until the whole thing was buried deep inside that wet, needy hole. Those walls clenched down on him, and he groaned, slamming his co*ck back into him again.

Nails ran down his back, encouraging him to move faster while that sweet, needy voice begged him for hard. He was more than happy to oblige. Soap dispensers fell off the edge while he pounded into that wet hole. He gripped Xie Lian’s hips, pulling him up onto his lap while the other clamped down on him.

“NNNNGH!” He wasn’t going to last. That co*ckhead smacked against his sweet spot. The alpha’s knot slipped in, starting to stretch while beads of sweat ran down their form. He was still so sensitive from that tongue. He learned to grip the alpha’s shoulders while tears streamed down his face. The mask was already knocked off, revealing his honeyed eyes glazed with delight.

“More! Chengzhu More! Oh God! I can’t! CHENGZHU!”

The alpha bit his lip. It felt so good. He leaned down to whisper, “Baby, please, call me San Lang.”

“San Lang Gege!” He cried out, clamping down on the other man's co*ck while they both cried out. The knot pressed in and expanded while they both org*smed together. Their bodies shook as ropes of come filled the omega to the brim.

Hua Cheng gently caressed the other one as they came down from their high. “Are you okay?” He asked, nuzzling under his chin.

“I’m fine.” Xie Lian said after some time, “That was . . . a lot of fun.”

The alpha chuckled, “I agree.”

“We’ll do this again?”

“Yes.” The taller man leaned into him, grabbing him by the bum and carefully lifting the other. He walked them over to the large bed in the other room, getting them comfortable while his knot filled the other. That soft belly started to protrude a bit while the omega relaxed against him. It made him feel a strange sense of satisfaction. “Diànxià, I swear you’ll be the death of me.”

Scandalous - Chapter 4 - Within_Our_Hearts - 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Views: 5661

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.