Orlando Evening Star from Orlando, Florida (2024)

ttnrnvirgTtAY AFTERNOON. NOVEMBER 18, 1923. THE F.VF.NTNn KEP0RTBR-3TAR 4 i I. loose Your. Home From Today's HealstatFO Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sate ftiri Estate For Sal.

Estate For Sale "SERVICE BEYOND THE CONTRACT" ''A EIGHT-ROOM HOME IN-ORWIN MA NOB SELECTED LISTINGS SQUARE DEAL "BRING? REWARD. HOUSES Wei Quote Owners Price Only now Xew rod (or OCCtt- HOUSES HAVE THEM FURNISHED 7-room bous on Dacphine ttreet northeast section: trws: earaze: tar- paBcy. Ob Canterbury lo ie I J- Residence Residences i Westminster section, ujm wws. s-leeping porch, T. fireplace, 'furnace, hardwood floors.

boOWn features. Thoroughly sttractiTe in Ka. 8. Lots: taw a ejctis- Nice 5-room bungalow on Shine St. A short distance PONTO THE POINTER INVEST iN ORLANDO (H-417) PHTVTS TO everr respect No.

1. Residence: A beaoufuTtwi 5. bQnov (oniBg 5 stay home, fnrnisbed ft: Iri- supine porch to K. E. ere.

room, aad tali: lotto MxU and cot rfnn hie emrmie: hwn sr; i This proo- I 'iSSJT from Hillcrest school. in-; Offered IliBUVU tre listing for a lew oaya obij on one ot the beat corner loU in the aouawest aectiom. Get is. tone 01i regardtog this and also soma otker good tots in this part at the city at once. Call tor Mr.

Ap-plegate at the office or telephone 1118. eludes bath, electric par old: good eondiuon. om est WshinstoB St. The TPrice bonM (or mw. The is Ili-W and is under the market MrmeBt reasonable and FURNISHED HOTEL at thU price.

Terms. Ask lor il h.i.Ajvt sfl ner montn. Call Scauerdaj. phone 1US. HIS or come tbe office and Mr.

Innluill Tin shOW TOU. Tenc 1 No. Lou: A beantifal lot 104 10 fall of bearing grapefruit tree. Is la a fine lecatloo. This wocderfal location for an apartment The southeast corner of East Concord and Mills St, 102x139 ft-offered at S8.000.

Best buy in the Northeast todav. No. J. Residence: Two One borne? both baring fie rooms: located ia a coming section ot Orlando; large tou ilh shnibberr nd are all modern. One is priced tor quick 1 and all modern eonvenien-j Ices, large ventilating clothes closets.

Other built-in fea-; tures. Price SS.000. Good terms See Mr. Perfrns. A new 5-room completely furnished, in-' house.

Price Is su.ooe ana on market tor only a short time at the Good term Xixon. I-room house and bath, in Northeast section, furnished. In good condition: all mod-Ira fixtures. Good terms JTI.500. See Mr Adams.

f-room house, close in; furnished: bouse in fine audition: a dandy- buy. farms cash. Price 10.000. Mr. Austin.

DINING ROOM f*ck LEASE Dining Room in good hotel in heart of Orlando now-available. Hotel management selling lease on dining room and renting it furnished. Fine oDDortunitY for exper price. Ask tor air. ecauruw Phone 1118.

'-v sale at wnn terms ana liome on rh.r JiO iriih terms. These are IN a WalteRose Investment Ca No. 1. LoU: A Terr Do lot ea ie o-pert price. Ask for Mr.

tt a- OrasstPrice 5W. cash. THOS. E. McMINN Central Arcade Mt Vernon Ave- This jot ts mnr the market price for frarronndinr lota.

Pine tree on this tSiit Ask tor Mr Bkr: No. 11. one block sonin ana oDcanaoaia. 1 uw block est 3t So. 1 on the corner.

as show yon this one. The owner 1 price is witn cm cu. eluding bath and all modern K'o S. Residence: A fine new Home 6-room house, bath and -room house, bath ana I nrenienctJ. a garage.

This on Kenntson unn, pti-b 1. Bearttful lot M' Prt'W SixlJO. Price SlVim with cash 11,000. Ask for Mr. Apptegate.

njantlfal Lake front lot ienced people to make i monev. F-339 jTwo lots with practically 'new one story Just off Virginia Drive for only $7,500. cash and terms. worth money without house. BUSINESS boose tadng west; a tot aorac-tiTe home on Terr easy down payment.

Let ns show yo the one. Ask tor Mr. Baker or Mr. Scat- 1 Lake Siiw ciosf to teUe FarX L. H.

KIBBY 216 N. Orang- Offers terday. Bitty 1 jwi- fjdais a dandv home. See; house has plenty of ahade feoJnTt.0"" Prict -DP Terms $2,000 cash, balance. 'SSiEE lf fSjT See Mr.

$Uhed: sleeping porchl'Eddv. breakfast room: all hard-Wood floors: garage: lot -w- ru CaA Price $350 wttH 'Siuw caan. ask fc Mr. CrasaOeM. 3.

Pine lot on East Park Lake Ave, water, lights. Bewer, paf ed street. Price 1 terms. AsV for O-asefiehl. Nat.

Residence: A oeantuiu nr hnki- roomed home and sleeping I ,11 -odera ia ererr respect: is on ness do.ng more than 10W a weeK a corner lot SSxlW; fine local km on Revere Are. jo, 4. Beautiful lot la tuilarney ur prk Ike: carace. 1 Be omn- whu siuc hr 11. pavea scree A GIFT er.

price furnished Is i.h IVTtZTZi orange Price $1800 with. J. P. H0LBR0OK CO. for three Realtors lor inrw; OHAXCB AT PINS Apply be-1 s- An opportunity 7X1 40.

lenrs Jfr. Antin. lm-irnv stucco house in i Tnrtrr tract, iaelodicg fine K.OvO cah. balance i. aua -2, T.v i ur Rolinc c'- Ask for Mr.

Bakar. vr. Ask for Mr. Boling. arranged.

Ask for Mr. Holing. home, faricr brick roai'eood salesmen. M. and 11 A.

M. Developers of Bdgrwater Heights A. -rOOir. n0Ua: minutes cttr limits of Kissimmee- Big sflb-1 firive from town; nice bam- an(j bath, beautifully fur- elision near by. sacrifice fiw Good terms Act qnick.

Owners Tixtnres and large clothes oc Phone 2t60 1 r.lS mi.trvi. WHITE HESS, IflC ireally a good bur. Corner cl.jdil,- built-in fot. Good term. Broadway 14 Broadway, Kissimmee.

Fla. rsracrf i uima. iiviu single garage Six Austin. DIXIE HIGHWAY LOT Orange aTenue. This hoose 15 worth more than its present price at S15.000.

Terms very interesting. See E. P. 102 N. Orange Ave.

ftwwiiiiiiy 7 UNFURNISHED t-roorr. and bath, on prk Lake fruit trees: tet 50xl5Q; faces west on 2m brick. Good terms. Price ,500. ee Mr.

Austin. Size 50x140 feet. A mighty good location upon which to establish a business in a I well traveled section: HB-S07 Offered at 4V An Opportunity Buy at tour Price Homeatte Unusaal Merit 12 BEAUTIFUL LOTS ON EDGE OF CHEROKEE PARK. THIS IS A REAL. BARGAIN.

SEE US AT ONCE. SEE MR. DOBBINS. V', "7, PARISIAN GARDENS 9 rooms and bath lot o0x Famished houw on lot in good condition; C7t ft. KW modexn Mmtkm: mood bur daya only- Terms.

Prtcc Icotrreateaem. Mmtamotni POO. See Mr. Mixon. shade tree in front andf rooms and bath in north- back yards.

Thia propertj" Cast eection; 1 block off' $250 Per Front Foot TERMS f. i Colonial Drive; dandj sec-- 1 Ban; dandy price. S.5w; 2 miles square, is srtnatedl 1 vf- Inin W. B. CADLE CO.

242 S. ORANGE AVE. PHONE 146 On Avenue; 2 blocks south of Vine street ust a whisper frc-the vi heart Ot the business district of K1SSIMMEE, ji PUBLIC AUCTION Slt Desirable Residential lots to the highest bidder on very E. Z. terms.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, AT 1:30 P. M. PROMPT USE VISION ACT ON YOUR GOOD JUDGMENT! Waltew4ose Investment Ca BI .11. -tjjiui. on a high elevation, 150 5-roorn house, just finish-j ft.

froci shore. Price nice fruit trees and ga-i tge; lot a real boy -500. Terms. 1100 caeri, Sid good balance to suit pnrchaser. r.

Mixon. iS E. P. house, bath, andi hurt-in feature? faces Cash Register SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY BARGAINS LAKE FRONT LOTS lpt 50x1-50: in dandy repair. 5e Mr.

S-room house on E. Wash-j tSffttm in dandv shape: IWTUSbed: laundry and ga-i Two lots 67t2 wide by 150, ft. deep including 1,000 feetj Southwest corner Michigan and South Dixie Highway, 100x127 feetfl One of tbe best corners on this highway. Has income property on it now. This property can be bought for a very low price and easy terms.

Better see us now before it is too late. See Mr. Pemberton. ge: nite lawn. This is on forner and not very far out.

treal buy. S15.000: good -ms. See Mr. Mixon. iinto lake, wit ha beautiful; National Cash Registers Bought.

Sold. and Re paired New legist $75.00 and up Sopcjea Sales Books Credit Files The National Cash Register Company A. MePhersoV Sale Ageti II Washington St PkoaalMt saindy beach. Lake approxi-i We have houses, too many Kissimmee is fast coming into its own. Heal EsUte Value.

soar skyward within rh. next few An investment made at this time will double or-eten treble itelf. fiermuua Artnne is. among the first streets scheduled to be Bared according t6 the present city paring program. Parisian Gardens is within talking distance of tbe very heart ot Klsslmmee Business District and iff opposite Palm Park, a re-tent Subdivision which, is completely sold out Right now are given OPPOR.

TUMTY OTARAttELEtt to purchase at YOUR OWN PRICE AT WHATEVER PRICE TOU CABE TOAY. land in this COMING COMUMTY. Br all means TAKE "ADVANTAGE OF, IT; Free Busses from our office at 1 P. M. Make reservations now.

OLD KENXUCKY; AUCTION CO. nt-c UfiTTn Tm aki rh-ftrW. make the deed. That's all. ta mention.

Come in and tell mately two miles square, I These lot just outside city' what you want. We can fix you like you want to be fixd. 100x140 feet. Just outside of city limits. Well located for any business purposes.

Can be delivered at once and the price is right. See Mr. Pemberton. and are nar lots sell- i ing for'S500. These lots lots of ixrrs utiaaaa.

rmnoa Room Rot Iildg. ORANGE INVESTMENT INC. REALTORS Phone 2278. HE. Washington St IV: lyOOKTXO CV AXV DOWN THESE OOLCVXS 5aVES MUCH TTXE- 'ti il Nice lot on Jefferson between Shine and Fern Terms to suit.

See Eddy, Creek. Get thi quick. XLr T50; tenn. "We have one lot in Col-' Corner lot in northeast eJ.P.a?k' the ft growing. tion y.m WMt rf gubdinsion.

not too far from i 1 ir HISTORY town. This is a pick up for Fern Creek. A good price 12.000: terms. i. at bee Perkins.

Several lots inside of city HmrU in northeajt section. Priced from 11200 to x)rae highway Jot, corner jQO. A dandy chance to make tome cash. (Michigan avenue and South Dixie, 100 feet cm Dixie, Tie have some business Jot. Come in and let us telltfeet deep, at 1200 per front Mia? I 1 yon about them.

fot. mrn Have you been to beautiful Merrirt Park? If not, you should go and aee a pretty place for a home. We have irvenH lot ir wd tTH-ei) Two Jota on Conway iiOxlSA, for tljr. Thin is! beap. IrAV Tur aatnrtf a yimtB uLr nmt Mawv nc Tur mmMjVT Mr-on f.rvn pmtu VtrrAai' Nrw.

or UAvti6 HE maimer OTH OdCTAMO AMC9 JAMT5TOWM uHXIL TUT jfTTUHrsiT MAS COIMPJfTf TmU PAXAur3un tfcsnirv-arrrtiirTl-r? 1 Inomi sah ro navtdrHjAMO wri a To MAon rcffrenritD to '-vvM'vrnrmi, ALDEN D. EDDY i REALTY CO. kniurrr BrVti brftoi )frt' asjn wrtv runs LAOfV)rtl VTI tW OOF tVtfJfcm fTAO iiwrnuMx. i I AUSTIN BROS. aWl rfM fi A-wrw" fUA "1 AUJA" pMTHS AmT A CMANCf TO 512 North Orange Avenue REALTY CO.

"TIMOij? TO MAKE PfCU5 FOQ riAWTlMo 4 i53X txrrs us ooo tcti REWARD. 1.

Orlando Evening Star from Orlando, Florida (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.