The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


Ry. 59.. 102 102 East Brooklyn Cleve. Line ky 6s 11000 11000 107 Columbus Cen. Ry.

5s 85 '90 Cleve. Co. City Cable Ry. 11000 105 Loraiu 5s St. Ky.

Co. Gs. 1000 3 99 100 6s, Street 1911 Ry. G. R.

1000 3 RAILROAD STOCKS. Kal. Al. R. R.

3 120 122 Mahoning Coal R. 100. 100 Mahoning (common) Coal H. R. (preferred) 1001 50 106 148 108 8.

L. P. R. W. R.

Co. R. pref. IRON MINING STOCKS. Republic Iron Iron Co 25 21 Lake Superior geline Pittsburg Iron 00 70 Lake An74 Jackson Iron Minnesota Champion Iron 100 Chandler Iron Co 25 25 30 35 30 Cleve.

Cliffs Iron Co. 100 1 Ashland 25 Iron Belt New York Stocks and Bonds. New York, May quota- tions): U. S. 4s reg.

122 1-2, do 4s coup. 122 1-2, do 5s reg. 115 7-8, 5s coup. 115 3-4, do 48 reg. 112 3-4, do 4s coup.

113, do 2s reg. 97 bid, Pacific 6s of '95 100 class A 106 1-2 bid, do 106 bid, do 0 96 bid, do currency 96 bid, La. new consols 49 95 bid. Missouri 68 100 bid, N. Carolina 6s 124 bid, do 4s 102, S.

Carolina non-fond 1 3-4, Tenn. new set Gs 85, do 5s 100 bid, do old Gs 60 bid, Va. centuries 59 3-4, do deferred 6 1-4, Atchison 4s 74 3-8, do second A 25 3-4. Canada So. 29 105 bid, Cen.

Pacifiec 1sts of '95 103 1-2 bid, Den. R. G. 7s 112 bid, do 4s 86 1-4, Erie Seconds 69, G. H.

S. A. 6s 99 bid, do 7s 103 1-2, H. Cent. 59 109 1-8 bid, do 69 101, M.

K. T. first 4s 87 3-8, do second 4s 59 3-4. Mutual Union 6s 100 bid, N. J.

Cent. gen'l ds 114 1-2, Northern Pac. 1sts 117 3-4, do 2d6 102 1-2, Northwrest console 140, do S. F. deb.

5s 107 1-2 bid, Rio Grande West 1sts 75 7-8, St. Paul consols 7s 127 1-4, do C. P. W. be 113, St.

L. I. M. gen. 5s 79 1-2, St.

L. S. F. gen. 6s 109 bid, Tex.

Pac. firsts 93 5-8, do seconds 30 3-8, Union Pacific firsts of '06 105 1-2, West Shore 43.105 3-4, Atchison 8 1-S, Adame Express 143, Alton. Terre Haute 47. American Express 116, Baltimore Ohio 63, Canada Pacific 52 5-8, Canada Southern 54 1-2. Central Pacific 19, Ches.

Ohio 22 3-4, Chicago Alton 150 bid, Bur. Quincy 80 3-8, Chicago gas 74 1-2, Consolidated gas 144 1-4, C. St. Louis 44 14, Colorado Coal Iron 8 1-4 bid, Cotton Oil certificates 29 1-4, Del. Hudson 131, Lack.

West. 163, Den. R. G. preferred 46 1-4, Distillers Cattle Feeders 0o.

23 3-4, Erie 12 5-8, do preferred 29, Fort Wayne 157 bid. Great Northern preferred 125, Chicago Eastern Illinois preferred 101 1-2, Hocking Valley 26 7-8, Illinois Central 96, St. Paul Duluth 30, Kaneas Texas preferred 32 1-4, Lake Erie West. 21 1-4, do preferred 78 3-8, Lake Shore 146, Lead trust 34 1-2, Louisville Nashville 58 5-8, a Louisville New Albany 10 Manhattan Consolidated 116 1-8, Memphis Charleston 15, Michigan Central 100 1-2, Missouri Pacific 29 1-4, Mobile Ohio 20 1-2, Nashville Chatt. 90, National Cordage 5, do preferred 7 1-2, N.

J. Central 100 1-4. Norfolk West. preferred 16, North American Co. 6.

Northern Pacific 6 8-8, do preferred 22 1-2, U. Denver Gulf 7, Northwestern 99, do preferred 144 bid, N. Y. Centml 102 1-4, N. Y.

New England 42 1-2, Ontario Western 18. Oregon improvement 8, Oregon Nav. 28 1-2, Oregon Short Line Utah No Northern 8 1-2, Pacific Mail 26 1-2, Peoria, Dec. Evans 6 1-2, Pittsburg 155 1-4 bid, Pullman Palace 173 3-4, Reading 19 1-2. Rio Grande Western 19, do preferred 45 1-2, Rock Island 60, St.

Paul 67. do preferred 120, St. Paul Omaha 39 3-8, do preferred 114. Southern Pacifio 20. Sugar Refinery 118 3-3, Tenn.

Coal Iron 26 3-4, Texae Pacific 12 7-8, Tol. 0. Cen. preferred 78, Union Pacific 14 3-4. U.

S. Express 41, Wabash, St. L. Pac. 9.

do preferred 19. 3-4. Welis Fargo Dxpress 108, Western Union 92 3-4. Wheeling I. E.

14 5-8, do preferred 45 7-8, Minn. St. Louis 33 1-2. Den. R.

G. 15, Gen. Electric 34. National Linseed 25 3-4, Col. Fuel I.

26 bid, do preferred 65, FT. Tex. Cent. 1 3-4, A. A.

North Mich. 3. St. Louis C. 6, do preferred 13 bid.

Southern 14 1-4, do preferred 40. Tobacco 106 1-2. do preferred 111 1-2, St. M. M.

117. Mining Shares. Boston, May quotations): Allouez Mining Co. 871-2, 14, Boston Mont. 47 7-8, Butte Boston 14 3-4, Calumet Hecla 290, Centennial 1 1-2.

Franklin 161-4, Kearsarge 13 7-8, 27, Quincy, 118, Tamarack 143, Wolverine 6 3-4. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. li a (Furnished by Bower Bower.) Cleveland, May 18. Cattle receipts were light, not enough to establish prices. The feeling was strong and firm for all grades of butchers, with prospects fair for the coming week.

Choice milch cows 8 shade firmer than yesterday. Veals were in light supply and sold at strong yesterday's a prices, choice to extra grades going at closing firm. Sheep and lambs were in light supply. Trade was strong, choice lots quotably a shade higher. The few offered were taken early and the market closed firm with a fair outlook.

Hogs were active under light receipts. There was good local demand for lights and a fair shipping outlet for good mediums and heavies. All sold, closing steady. Veals--Receipts fair: market active and firmer; choice veals fair to good common to light grades Cattle--Receipts light; market about steady; choice 1,100 to 1,200 ID steers fair to good light mixed butchers 850 to 1,050 IDs rough and fair steers 1.000 to 1,100 IDs fat cows choice $2.50 butcher bulls common light, thin common cows 2.25; choice milob cows per stuff and springers slow at light; market firm; choice sheep good $4.000 4.25; common to fair $2.0003.75. active; choice clipped lambs pen light; market firm and choice fair to good light mixed Hogs--Receipts light; market active: medium and heavy at 1-2; Yorkers at pigs and lights at stags and roughs at $3.00 Chicago Live Stock.

Hoga-Rects 10.000; official reets yesterday shipts left over 2.500. Market active and prices firin to a shade higher; light mixed heavy rough Cattle-Rects 1.000. including Sod Texans. official yesterday 3.617; shipts 2.575. Market quiet and unchanged.

Sheep-Rects official rects yesterday shipts none. Market stronger, Estimated recto bogs Monday 38,000. Cincinnati Live Stock. Hogs--Steady at rects 1.000 head; shipts 900 head. CattleSteady at rects 300 head; shipts 100 head.

Sheep Fair and stendy at rects 400 head; shipts 200 head. Lambs-Steady at $3.0004.75. East Liberty Live Stock. Cattle steady at unchanged prices. Foge firm at a shade better prices.

PhilAdelphiae common to fair Yorkers roughs Sheep--Firm and steady; extra $1.100 4.30; good A common to fair lambs veal calves $1.70 05.25. Minneapolis Flour Market. first patente 0 eecond patents Minneapolis, May first cleare Saturday, May 18. The local stock market which was fairduring the week closed quiet today. active, Consolidated, which was picked up as soon as offered at $61, closed etrong, with very little stock on the market and holders are as a rule talking higher prices and a sale of 50 shares was said to have been closed at $61.25.

Changes in the list are few but in each ease. advance Hayes is noted. Sons bought $20,000 New Comerstown (O.) waterworks 6 per cent. and sold $10,000 Moneon (Mass.) municipals 4s and $5,000 Superior (Wis.) street railway 6s at $102. A fair volume of business was transacted at the banks and the market is firm at the old rates of interest.

M. Braman, cashier of the Cash Depoeit bank of Medina, was in the city today. The weekly New York bank statement shows the following changes: Reserve, increase $6,571,800 Loans, increase 6,374,600 Specie, decrease 613,900 Legal tender, increase Deposite, increase 15,945,600 Circulation, 29,000 The banks now hold $37,587,900 in excess of the requirements of the 25 per cent. rule. The exports of specie to from New $103,922 York in for the week amounted gold and $598,004 in eilver; imports, gold $1,125,937, silver $55,090, dry goods general merchandise $7,498,676.

Today's statement of the condition of the United States treasury shows: Available cash balances gold reserve $97,150,415. Total sales of stocks at New York today were 246,858 re shares, including: Sugar 21,700, Atchison 8,200. Burlington 6,100, Chesapeake Ohio 3,400, Chicago gae 11,000, Delaware Hudson 500, distilling 19.500, Kansas Texas preferred 2.100, New Jersey Central 100. New York, Susquehanna Western preferred 3.200, Northwest 4,100, Omaba 2.600, Reading 62,700, St. Paul 9,200, Tennessee coal and iron 9,800, Texas Pacifio 3,200, Wabash preferred 3,600, Western Union 3,700, Wheeling Lake Erie 5,800.

Clearings at the principal cities today were: Cleveland $1,011,657 Baltimore 2,315.776 Philadelphia 12,412,146 Chicago 13,808,000 Boston 15,464,981 New York .115,890,362 Cincinnati 2,310,000 For the week clearings were: Cleveland $5.713.441 Cincinnati 13.550.350 Chicago 91,310,000 Philadelphia 73,586,941 Baltimore 13,505,556 Boston 97,039,443 New York 695,175,769 FINANCIAL STOCKS AND SECURITIES. Saturday, May 18. NEW YORK STOCKS. Fluctuations for May 18. Furnished by Herbert Wright Brokers, Perry-Payne Building.

Name of Stock. Opening. Lowest Closing. C. C.

Atchison C. 'st. L. 45 45 441 Canada Southern 57 C. B.

Q. D. Hudson. 1311 D. L.

W. Erie 131 13 13 Gen. Central Jersey 1004 Lake. Shore Sugar Trust Li. Nashville 59 Michigan Central 101 101 Missouri Pacific Northern Pacitic 67 N.

P. P'f'd 221, Northwestern 99 N. Y. Central 102 102 102 N. N.

43 43 Lead Trust 35 35 Omaha P'acific Nati 27 27 Reading Rock Island St. Paul 678 67 67 Union Pacific 15 15 Wabash P'f'd Western Union 923 Chicago Gas 75 75 116 Whisky Trust 24 A New York special to Herbert Wright Co. Saturday says: The stock market has been very irregular throughout the day. In the early dealings prices chowed a slight decline from the close of last night, especially in the granger -list, which was doubtless caused by the lower London market. London prices quoted somewhat easier and there were some selling orders in our market for foreign account.

Later, however, prices adranced, and transactions were quite heavy for Saturday, especially in the for reasong which no one seemed able to coalers, which showed a considerable gains explain. In the industrials sugar led the advance, selling as high as 119 1-2, while lead, gas and general electric, were somewhat easier with prices 8. shade lower. During the last half hour of the session the general list gave way under sales to realize profits and the market closes steady with prices generally lower than the best figures of the day. LOCAL STOCKS AND BONDS.

Quoted by Charles I. Potter No. 104 Superior street. Telephone 414. BANK STOCKS.

d. A FE 3 Central National 3 120 127 Cleveland Nat. 100 3 122 Commercial Nat. 100 3 Ducid Ar. Nat.

100 144 146 First National 136 137 Mercantile Nat. 100 3 140 National Bank 100 3 140 143 National City 215 Union National 1001 126 State National 100 125 West. Reserve Nat. 121 SAVINGS BANKS STOCKS. Arcade S.

B. Co. 1001 3 100 Broadway S. B. 100 150 Citizens L.

500 4 ioi0 Columbia S. L. 50 3 Cleveland Trust Co. 105 Cuyahoga S. B.

Co. 1001. Dime S. B. Co.

3 124 126 D. E. S. Bk. Co.

100 4 153 157 Forest City S. B. Co. 23 45 50 Garfield S. B.

Co. 100 3 110 11: S. B. Co. 100' 112 113 Guardian Trust 100.

110 Lorain St. S. B. 69 Marine Bank Co. 1001 3 100 Mechanica S.

B. 50 51 53 Mer. B'k St'ge 35 Pearl St. S. L.

3 72 78 People's S. 200 513 P'roduce Ex. B. 501 54 56 Savings Trust 100 C. 160 South Cleve.

B. 100 A 115 Wade Park B. 100 3 107 West Cleve. Bkg. 50.

United Bkg. Sav. Co.1 130 135 Wick Bank B. 3 GO 62 Wood. Are.

S. 100 5 150 132 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Oleveland Stone 4 83 90 Brush Electric 601. Union Steel S. 165 Cleve.

Driv. Park Co. 1000 975 1000 Cleve, G. D. Co.

pref. 90 Johnson Co. 100 103 103 Lamprecht Bros. 3 102 Per. S.

L. 500 541 Unlon Bldg. 500 530 535 Nat'l B. 100 4 Bldg. 500 Bio C.

B. Trans. Co. .146 2-3 42 44 Det. Cleve, Nav.

Co. 25 32 34 Standard Oil Trust 100 3 180 STREET RAILROAD STOCKS. Cleve. Elec. Ry.

0., N. C. Ry. 31 35. Cleve.

City Ry. 754 STREET RAILROAD BONDS. Duluth New. Transter O. A Ry.

ky. 8 93 1 186 COMMERCIAL. Saturday, May 20. The upward tendency in grain continued today, and the market closed 2c higher wheat and very firm on corn and Flour has advanced 100 with the shipping inquiry kept up. Butter, cheese, eggs and poultry close unchanged, with a fairly active movement each line.

Spring chickens are scarce and wanted, one dealer selling twenty dozen this afternoon at $6.75 per dozen. The offerings are very fine, and, as old stock is also in good condition, the price not likely to go lower in near future. Old potatoes were in fair demand and change is made in quotations. New potatoes are coming in rather slowly; 80 decrease in the price of old -stock can anticipated, but a rise, rather, may be looked for. Green fruits and vegetables are quite active and the commission houses were almost of stock at the closing hour.

The figures, however, are not materially varied from yesterday. In groceries the only 'animation is found in sugar, which closes firm with tendency, but other lines are steady; as quoted. Provisions show an advance of 25c per barrel on pork, 12 1-20 per owt. on salted meats and 1 1-So per pound on lard. Beef, veal and lamb close steady.

Farmyard and Dairy. Butter--Elgin creamery, Ohio creamery, Ohio dairy, strictly fancy, do store packed No. 1, do No. 2, grease, Cheese-Old York state, Ohio state, new do, standard, 14c: limburger, Swiss brick, Sweltzer, 130 Eggs--Strictly fresh, candled, per, Live doz; duck, poultry-Chickens, 18c; goose, per 40c. lb, broilers, per doz, ducks, per lb, turkeys, Featherg--Live geese, per lb; duck feathers, per lb.

Vegetables. Beans -Hand picked York state, medium, pea beans, $2.00 lima, per lb, Onions-New Bermudas, per case; Egyptian. $2.0 per sack; old home grown, according to quality. Peas-Old, choice, $1.1041.20 per bu; Scotch, field, split, per lb. Potatoes-Per bu, fancy, Green Vegetables.

Lettuce--Per lb, Cabbage southern, per crate; California, $6.0006.25. Asparagus Home grown, per doz, Green peas--Per bu case, $1.25 String beans -Per bu case, wax, New potatoes -Bermudas, per bu and per bbl; Floridas, $4.0004.50 per bbl; Moblles, $5.00 per bbl. Fruits. Bananas-Bluefields and Port Limon Arsta, do seconds, Jamaica firsts, do seconds. Lemons-Messina, Oranges--Messina, Oalifornia navels, per box, $3.50 California lings, Mediterranean sweets, Pineapples -X, per 100, XX, $12.00 18.00.

Strawberries--Per 24-qt case, Apples--Fancy Ben Davis, per bbl, $5.600 Spys, per bbl, Winesap, Baldwins, per bbi, common, per bbl, Grain, Flour and Feed. Corn--From elevator, No. 2 yellow, 50c; car lots on track, No. 2 yellow, 540; ear corn, 55c; car lots on track, 54c. Oats Car lots on track.

No. 2 white, from elevator, No. 2 white, mixed, from elevator, car lots on track, 34c. Rye--From elevator. No.

2, 65c. Wheat-Car lots on track, No. 2 red, 75c. Flour--Ariel, Washington patent, Liberty patent, Regent, Cleveland (white wheat), Good Company and Howard, Imperial and New Deal, city makes (patent), city makes (white wheat), country makes, $3.556 3.70; Minnesota (patent), Minnesota (clear), graham (white wheat), per bbl, rye four, per bbl, patent, $4.25. Feed--White middlings, per ton, coarse middlings, per ton, bran, per ton, wheat screenings, per ton, $10.00 chop, No.

1, per ton, No. 2 cornmeal, granulated, coarse, family, per $1.40 ton, per cwt. cornmeal, Hay and baled, car lots, No. 1, clover and timothy mixed, clover, prairie hay, for packing, timothy, choice loose, new, second qualIty, rye straw. baled, 6.25; bundled, per ton, straw, wheat, baled, car lote, oat, $4.75 bulk, per ton, Groceries.

Sugar-Cut loaf, $5.52 per cwt; powdered, standard granulated, fine granulated, extra fine granulated, cubes, $5.04: XXXX powdered. coufectioners' soft A. 54.64; extra 0, white, extra 0, golden $4.0204.14: O. maple sugar, per lb; maple syrup, per gal. Coffee- roasted Green Java, Rio, 20032c: green roasted Java, Rio, 230 standard brands, per case, $21.34.

-Mackerel, No. half bbl, $11.006 13.00; mackerel, No. 2, half bbl. $10.5042 11.00; white fish, new, No. 1.

white Ash, family, halt bbl, herring, balf bbl, $3.23. Honey-White comb, 1-lb sections. new. 14 medium. dark, Pickles-Cucumbers.

in bbla of 1.200, 2,400, balf bbl, 600. 1,200, $3.00. Vinegar -Pure cider, white wine, 11c. Rolled oats--Per bbl, 54.25; half bbl, $2.25. Oatmeal -Per bbl, half bbl, $2.73.

Rice-Carolina, Japan, Spices--Casein, Selgon, 32038c: common. 9 cloves. 90.20c; allspice, nutmegs, pepper, 7015c; ginger root, African, 15c: Jamaica, 20c. Starch--Bulk, Oswego pure, 6c: Oswego corn, silver gloss, 7c; 6-1b boxes, Argo gloss, 1-lb pkgs, 3-Ib pkgs, 6-1b pkgs, 6c; Argo corn, 1-Ib pkgs, 6c; Argo crystal lump. Wool, Hides and Pelts.

Wool medium, and blood, 16c; do blood, 15c; rushed fine, 11(412c; unwashed medium, a blood, do blood, 10 and 11c; vashed fine, buying rices, prime, all weights, 8c; green, buiis, grubby, badly scored or damaged. price: horse bides, green, No. 1. veal. prime cured, 15 lba.

Ohio deacons, 40c. Pelts estimated, tallow, prime, Nuts. Peanuts--Virginia, fancy brand, 4c: do second grade, cocoanuts, per 100, $3.00 Oils and Turpentine. Linseed oil -New process, raw, per gal, 50c: old process, car lots, 57c: 5-bbl lots, 58c; single bbls, 59c; boiled. 2c higher: lard oil, extra W.

59c; extra No. 1. 50c; No. 1, 40c; No. 2, 37c; neatsfoot oil, extra, 52c; No.

1, 45c. Turpentine Spirits, per gal, Beeswar-25c. Petroleum Products. Ohio atate test, 8c: water white, Ohio state test, headlight, Gasoline 173 degrees. -Deodorized, eocene, cur lots, per gal, 11c.

Naphtba-Deodorized, for gas car lots, per gal, Dc; 87 13c. degrees, machines, car lots, per gal, Secds. Clover--Prime medium or mammoth, $6.00 orchard alsyke, timothy, blue grass, $1.8070 2.00; Kentucky bu. grass, crimson clover, per golden western German millet, grass, real millet, Hungarian cob coru, Salt. Lime and Cement.

Salt-Five 60 FF, 5-1b dairy, bulk. 29 10-1b bags, bbl; diamond' 900: ground solar, $1.00 per per diamond Ashton, bags sack, 12-15 pockets, small suck, sack, per small $2.12: Higgins, of per 16 14-16 pockets. $2.85 sack, 70c; in bags salt, 75c. per bag; Lime Saginaw, and common, cement-White fine lime, 75c per bbl; 20c per bu; car lots, 18c in per bu; Akron inent, per bbl, Buffalo. per 90c: English Portland, per bol: sacks.

75c: bbl, 50c; Louisville, 95c America Portland, $2.00. German Portland, Provisions. Dry salt meats-Sides. extra short long clear, per cwt. middles, short ribs, per cwt.

rib bellies, per cwt, short, fat backs, shoulders. 18 to 20 lbs, $5.25. Lard--City steam rendered. per lb, tierces, choice pure, in tierces, per lb, bbis, 7c; kegs, 60-Ib hardwood tubs, Tc; 20-lb wooden pails, 10-lb wooden pails, 50-Ib tin pails, gross weight, P'ork-Heavy mess, short mess, clear pig, choice family, clear, extra short clear, heavy, light, extra short clear, $13.00. Smoked meats-Hams, sugar cured, 14 lbs, sugar cured, 16 lbs, 20 hams, California, per lb, breakfast bacon, clear English.

picnic hams. per sides, extra short and long clear, per cwt, bellies, rib, clear, heavy, per cwt, short rib middies, shoulders, 18 to 20 lbs, Dressed Meats. Beef-Texas, native steers, 8 Mutton-Common to medium, good, yearlings, 809c. Veals-Common choice Metals. IRON ORE--No.

1, Specular Bessemer, No. 1, Specuiar non-Bessemer, Bessemer hematites, non-Bessemer hematites, IRON AND STEEL--Lake Superior charcoal, bituminous and 1, foundry iron, all lake ores, No. 2 do, $10.25 0 lake ores, with der mixtures, No. 2, $10.0060 10.50; gray forge, red short, gray forge softener, No. 2 American-Scotch, $10.65.

OTHER METALS- lb. lake copper, Arizona copper, Baltimore copper, straits and Malacca tin, 16c; Lamb Flagg tin, antimony, spelter, lead. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Chicago, May 18. shoot skyward.

wheat could no longer be controlled and jumped about for a half hour like a pea on a hot stove. It rose to 721-2c. dropped in about fifteen minutes to 70 3-4c. rose again to 721-4c, and closed with buyers at 71 3-4c. The ordinary market news was not much heeded apart from what referred to the reported damage to the growing crop.

The northwestern receipts at Minneapolia and Duluth were 207 cars, against 285 a year ago. For this week the carloads received Minneapolis and Duluth have been 000 less than on the corresponding week of last year. The week's clearances of wheat and four from both coasts were 2,397.000 bushels compared with 2,805,000 bushels on the week before. Corn started weak, but it did not stay in that condition very long. The prediction of frost sufficiently severe to make the replanting of corn necessary in the principal states of its production was the cause of an excitement such ag is seen only at rare intervals in the corn pit.

July opened at 51 3-80 and sold that down to 51 1-Sc near the beginning of the session, and for a time floundered in a lazy way at around 51 1-4c. Soon that was changed. entirely -and it went shooting about like the shuttle of a sewing machine. Up with a bound it jumped to 55 3-4c, back again to 52 3-4c, and up once more to 53 3-4c, all in about ten minutes. The beavy local receipts, numbering 700 cars, caused the opening heaviness and 550 estimate for Monday did not improve it.

The reason for the bulge has been stated. The latest trading was at 53 1-80. Oate were active and scored a heavy business. Frost scare, good- buying by shorte and the influence of wheat and corn all assisted in advancing values. September attracted the greatest amount of attention.

June started at 28 5-8c, sold at 28 1-20, advanced to 29 3-8c and closed at 29 1-4c. September ranged from 26 8-4c to 28 5-8c and closed at 28 3-8c bid. The provision market was steady near the owing to the bog receinta being moderate." It became quite strong when the corn market showed way in such excited faehion and the advance in that article is to be ascribed a rain for the day of 32 1-2g in pork, 121-2c in lard and 15c in ribe. Freights at 1 1-4c for wheat. 11-Sc for corn and 10 for oats to Buffalo.

Estimates for Monday: Wheat 26 care. corn 550 cars, onts 325 carS. hogs 31.000 head. Hogs next week 135.000 head. Receipts -Flour 9.000 bbl9, wheat 8.000 bu.

corn 231.000 bu. oats 311.000 bu. rye 1.000 bu, barley 18.000 bu. -Flour 4.000 bbla, 91,000 bu. corn 110,000 bu.

onte 91,000 bu, rye 5,000 bu, barley 3,000 bu. Chicago Market. The following the range of Chicago markete of May, 18 is furnished by Herbert Wright Co. building. Open.

High. Low. Ulnae WHEAT. July 69 Sept. CORN.

July Sept. OATS. July Sept. 285 PORK-Hogs, 11,000 for today; 23,000 estimated for Monday. July 12 12 12 55 12 12 12 47 Sept 12 80 12 37 72 LARD.

July 6 70 6 82 6 70 6 82 Sept. 85 00 82 6. 97 RIBS. July 6 15 8 32 15 6 32 Sept. 27 50 47 Chicago.

May -Winter patents winter straits $3.0010 3.25; spring patents spring straights bakers No. 2 spring wheat 74 5-8074 7-80; No. 3 spring wheat nominal; No. 2 red 70 7-8 1-Se; No. 2 corn, 52 7-8.

No. 2 oats, 20c; No. 2 white, 32 No. 3 white, 31 3-4032 1-4c. No.

2 rye, No. barley, 51; No. 3, 45050 1-20; No. 4 nominal. No.

1 flaxseed, $1.48. Prime seed, $5.00. Mess pork. per bbl, $12.40012.50. Lard, per 100 IDs, $6.70.

Short ribs sides (loose) $0.20120.25. Dry salted shoulders (boxed) 51-405 3-8c. Short clear Aides (boxed) 6 5-Sc. Whisky, distillers' finished goods, per gal, $1.24. Sugars--Cut loaf unchanged; Philadelphia Market.

Philadelphia, May 73 1-4c. Corn-Firm; higher. No. 2 red May. 73 1-2074c; June, 73 74c; July, 1-4c; August, 730 May, 56 1-2c; June, 56 1-462 56 1-2c; July, 50 5-8c; A August.

56 5-8c. Oats Easier. No. 2 white May, 30036 1-2c; June 30 1-40 30 3-4c; July, 30 August, 341-4 034 3-4c. Butter-Steady.

Fancy western creamery, 17e; do prints 10c; do jobbing, 20023c. Eggs--Firm. a Fresh near by, 13c; do western, 13c. CheeseUnchanged. Refined sugar- Firm but quiet.

Cotton-Firm; 1-16c higher; mid ups, 73-16c. Live poul- Corn led the dance on the board of trade, jumping 45-80 and closing 1 5-80 higher, at 53 1-80 for July. The cold wave scare caused the advance. July wheat gained 11-2c, September oats 13-8c and provisions closed at advances. Most every commission merchant and speculator of experience advised their customers and told their friends before the market opened that the inevitable break in the wheat market would be reallized today.

How much they were mis taken they began to realize when, after a decline of 1-2c per bushel as the result of all the efforts of the entire local talent, bunched together on the selling side. The price was gamboling around 72 1-20 per bushel July about half an hour from the close. That was quite contrast with 69 1-2c, at which some few sales were made near the opening. July started with sellers at 70c, but no buyers until -it had been offered at G9 3-4c, and in some inetances as low as 69 1-2c. It recovered gradually to 70 3-Sc, but for an hour and a half there.

enough wheat for sale at anything over 70c to knock it down to around 69 7-8c on several occasions. It recovered gradually to 70 3-Sc. but for an hour and a half there enough wheat for at anything over 70g to knock it down to around 69 7-8c on several occasione. When, however, heavy frosts were predicted for North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Missouri, threatening the destruction of the corn which is now so promising, the price of corn began to try--Fair demand, firm. Receipts--Flour, 4,000 bbls.

and 2,000 sacks; wheat, none; 1.000 oats, 7,000 bu. Shipments-Wheat, 3,000 corn, 29,000 oats, 16,000 bu. Baltimore Market. Baltimore, May firm, unchanged. Receipts, 12,071 shipments, 12,592 sales, 3,100 bbls.

June, 72 3-4c asked; July, Strong. a Spot and month, 723-4 72 5-8c; August, 72 3-4c; steamer No. 2 red, 69 3-4070c. Receipts, 52,300 shipments, 72,000 stock, 171,583 sales, 94,000 southern wheat by sample, do on grade, Corn -Firm. Spot and month, 50 1-2c bid; July, 56 1-4050 1-2c; August, 57c bid; steamer mixed, 55c bid; receipts, 198 stock, 178,809 sales, 15,000 southern white corn, 57c; do' yellow, 1-2c.

Oats- No. 2 white western, 1-2c; No. 2 mixed, 33 1-2 receipts, 3,018 stock, 110,643 bu. Rye Firm. No.

2, 68c; stock, 290 Hay-Steady. Good timothy, Grain freightsDull; engagements small, unchanged. Sugar-Firm, unchanged. Butter and eggs- Steady, unchanged. Cheese- Quiet, unchanged.

Toledo Market. Toledo, May 18-Wheat-Higher and firm; No. 2 cash 75c; May 74 3-4c; June 750; July 73 1-2c; Aug. 72 1-20; Sept. 72 3-4c.

Corn-Higher and steady; No. 2 mixed July 53c. Oats Quiet and firm; No. 2 mixed 32c nominal; No. 2 white 33c.

Rye Dull; cash 67c. CloverseedDull and steady; prime Oct. $5.40. Recta -Wheat 7.000 bu: corn 12,000 bu; oats 500 bu. Shipts-Flour 1,500 bbls; wheat 15,000 bu; corn 25,000 000 0 bu.

Assignee's Notice. The undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as assignee of John Walther and Henry Christman, partners as Walther Christman. FRANK C. MANATT. my20-3tm 28 Society for Savings.

REASURY DEPARTMENT, U. S. LIFESaving Service, Washington, D. 0.. May 16, 1895.

Sealed proposals will be received at this office a until 2 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, June 4, 1895, for the construction of twelve 34-foot, self-righting and self-bailing lifeboats, with centerboard, six to be delivered in New York City and six in Grand Haven, Michigan. Proposals for either or both lots of boats will be considered. Plans and specifications, together with forms of proposal and full information, be obtained upon application to this office; to the Inspector of Life-Saving Stations, 24.

State Street. New York City: Assistant Inspector 1st and 2d Life-saving Districts, Room 148, Postoffice Building. Boston, Assistant Inspector 9th and 10th Life-Saving, Districts, Custom House, Detroit, Michigan; or to the Collector of Oustomg at Cleveland, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, Md. KIMBALL. General Superintendent.

my20-22-24 Cleveland, May 4, 1895. Sealed proposals will be received by the county commissioners of Cuyahoga county until 12 May 29, 1895, for furnishing the material and performing the labor or parts thereof (at the option of the bidder) necessary for the construction and erection of the superstructure of the Chagrin river bridge across the valley of Chagrin river at Bentleyville, in Chagrin Falls township. Plans, specifications, descriptions, diagrams and bills of material for said work will be on file for the Inspection of bidders in the office of the county commissioners on and after May 18, 1895. Proposals are also invited on any other plan for the superstructure at the option of the bidder. Proposals on such other plan must be accompanied with plans and specifications showing the number of spans, length of cach, the nature, quality and size of material to be used, the strength of structure when completed and also whether there ig any patent right on the proposed plan, and, if any, what part thereof.

P'roposals must be made out upon blanks furnished at the county commissioners' office, and must be addressed to the board of county commissioners, indorsed for Superstructure of Chagrin River Bridge, and be accompanied with a certitied check for five thousand dollars on a bank located in and doing a regular banking business in the city of Cleveland, 0.. and also accompanied by an. ngreement signed by two sureties, free-holders of Cuyabog1 county, that if the contract is awarded to the person or persons making the proposal, upon its being so awarded. to become bound as his surety for its faithful performance to an amount equal to at least fifty per cent. of said contract price.

Each of these shall make oath and testify that he is worth the amount of said bond over and above debts and liabilities and exclusive of all property exempt from sale by execution. It the contractor to whom the work is awarded shall not execute his contract with the county commissioners of Cuyahoga county within five (5) days after the work is awarded, he will be deemed as declining and will be held liable and his certified check be declared forfeited. The county commissioners reserve tho right to reject any and all bids as shall, in their opinion, be for the best Interests of the county. No proposal will be considered unless the party offering it shall furnish evidence satisfactory to the county commissioners of his ability, and that he has the necessary facilities, together with sufficient pecuniary resources, to fulfill the conditions of the contract and specifications, providing such contract shall awarded to him. Companies or firms bidding will give the individual names, as well as the name of the firm, with their addresses.

The bids will be opened and considered at the office of the county commissioners immediately after noon on 'the 29th day of May, 1895. By order of the county commissioners. JULIUS C. DORN, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. my6-4t-M Notice.

Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of April, A. D. the undersigned being therenuto duly authorized, presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County, to Ohio, the a Village petition of praying Glenville, for the situated annexation in said Cuyahoga County and State of Obio, of the following described territory, to-wit: Commencing at the Southwest corner of original lot No. 373, thence Northerly along the line between original lots Nos. 872 and 373, 364 and 305, 337 and 358, and 332 and 353, to the Westerly line.

of the Village of Collinwood, being the rear line of lots in Coe, Gilbert and Shipherd's allotmeut in original lots Nos. 352 and 353. thence Southeasterly along said Collinwood Village line to the Hast line of Gilbert Avenue, thence Southerly along said Collinwood Village line to the Southerly line of the right of way of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Rallway Company, thence Northeasterly following the Southerly line of said right of way and said Village line to the Northeasterly corner of land of Maria C. Kirby original lot No. 354, thence Southerly and Westerly along the Easterly lines of said Maria C.

Kirby's land and said Village line to the Northerly line of Coit Avenue, thence along said Northerly line of Colt Avenue and said Village line Southeasterly to the Westerly line of Adans Avenue, thence Southerly along the Westerly inc of Adams Avenue and said Village line to the Southerly line of Coit Avenue and said Village line to the Northerly line of East Cleveland Hamlet at the Woodworth rond, so-called, thence Westerly along the North line of Dast Cleveland Hamlet and the North line of original lot No. 3 to the Northwest corner of said lot No. 3, thence Southerly along the line between original lots Nos. 366 and 3 and along said Hamlet live to the Southeast corner of original lot No. 30G, thence Westerly along the South line of original lot No.

366 alki said Hamlet line to the Northeast corner of original lot No. 373, thence Southerly along the easterly line of said original lot No. 378 and said Hamlet line to the Southeast corner of said original lot No. 373 and said Hamlet line to the place of beginning, containing within said limits all of original lots. Nos.

873. 365, 366 and and parts of original lots Nos. 353, 354. 349 and 2 and being all of the territory bounded 011 the west by the Dust line of Glenville Village ou the North and Fast by the lines of Collinwood Village and the South and East. by the lines of East Cleveland Hamlet, as now constituted.

And the said petition shall be heard before said Board at their Office in the Court House in the City of Cleveland in said County and State on the 22nd day of June, A. D. 1895, at ten (10) o'clock a. m. KELLY.

F. H. Solicitor. ap-22-Ct-mo Notice. Pursuant to an order from the Court of Common Pleas in the case of William M.

cumme*r Va. the Flint Glass Sand Stone Company et I shall offer at public auction la front of the old Court House on the 22d day of A. D. 1895, at the hour of ten (10:00) o'clock a judgment against W. H.

Cray, amounting to $13,302.64, with interest thereon from September 7th, 1802; a also a judgment against F. L. Chamberlain In the sum of $9,932.64, with intercot thereon from September 7th, 1892. Terms of sale, cash. THOMAS L.

JOHNSON, Receiver. Proposals for Chagrin River Bridge. Office of County Commissioners, Cuyahoga County. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. There UNEQUALED Ask is for Only It.

One Take Best Pateat No Flour. FLOUR Other. Paying farmers for wheat 75c. The Cleveland Milling Ltd. OCEAN STEAMERS.

ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIPS Bail from New York every Saturday for GLASGOW via LONDONDERRY. of Hates Rome, for Saloon Passage: By 8. S. City Cabin, $45 $60 and upward.

Other Steamers. at reduced rates. upward. Excursion Tickets and $30. Steerage, $16.

Second Drafts at Cabin, lowest $25 Cur- and rent HENDERSON Rates. For further information apply to st, Green, or N. J. C. or I LEWIS, 325 Superior BROTHERS, 178 Superior or COLLVER BROTHERS, 239 WAGNER 224 Superior or E.

L. BROWNE Bank st, Cleveland. Japan Occidental Pacific Mall S. S. Co.

Oriental S. S. Co. Steamers leave San Francisco: CITY OF PEKIN via Honolulu May 14th, 25 3 m. CHINA June 4, 3 p.

m. BELGIC June 15, ur: For freight, passage and general information apply ab 443 Arcade, Cleveland: or to W. H. Connor, Chamber of Commerce, Cincinnati; or at 85 'Carew Cincinuati. Cleveland Buffalo CB Transit Company.

LINE Office and Wharf, 137 River St. For Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Arriva Depa East, dally except 7:30 am 8:00 pm Proposals for School Buildings. Board of Dducation, Office of the School Director, 190 Euclid Cleveland, 'O. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the clerk of the board 4 of education, 190 Euclid Cieveland, 0., until 12 o'clock noon, June 8, 1805, for furnishing all of the materials and for doing all of the work necessary to complete the heating and ventilating and the blackboard in the eightroom annex to the Cherry school building, on Cherry street near West Madison avenue, in accordance with the plane and specifications on tile in the office of the superintendent of buildings, 190 Euclid and as determined board of education by resolution No. 878, adopted April 8, 1895.

labor and materials must be stated separately. Each contain the name of every person Interested in the same, and cach bid must be accompanied by a bond, signed by not less than two disinterested persons, restof Cleveland, as a guaranty that if the bid dents of and owning real estate in the city be accepted contract will be entered into and the performance of it properly secured. Said bond must be for an amount not less than 25 per cent. of the total amount of the bid. Specifications may be procured at this office on application and all proposals must he made on blanks furnished by the school director.

All must be sealed up. addressed to the clerk, and indorsed on the outside, plainly showing items bid upon and the name of the bidder. The school director reserves the right to reject any or part of any or all proposals, H. Q. SARGENT, School Director.

My-6-4t-Mo Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals for furuishing the materials and laying about 4,000 feet of 4-inch cast iron water pipe and appurtenances in Edgewater Park, in the City of Clevelaud, 0., will be received by the Board of Park Commissioners of said City at the office of said Board, 1'00m 12 Heard block, No. 76 Luclid avenue, uxtil 2 o'clock. p. m.

of Wednesday, May 22, 1895. Each bid shall be enclosed in a cealed envelope and deposited with the Clerk of said Board previous to the time named above. Such sealed envelope shail have endoreed thereon the nature of the same and the name of the bidder. All bids will be opened at a regular meeting of the Bonrd to be held at its office on Wednesday, May 22, 1895, at 8:30 o'clock p. 11.

Each bid shall be accompanied by a bond signed by sufficient sureties to satis. faction of the Board, for the acceptance of the contract, if awarded, within five days (Sunday not included) from May 22, 1805; or, the bidder may deposit with the Board in lieu of such bond, a certified check upon some solvent bank in said city, or cash, in the sum of $500. No bid will be considered that is not made upon 3 blank form to be furnished by the Board. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Specifications regarding work, materials and supplies, and blank forms for bids and bonde, may be obtained at the office of C.

W. Pratt, Chief Eugineer of the Board, room 717 Hickox Building, No. 185 Euclid avenue, in said city. THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF OLEVELAND, O. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.

Telford Macadam Pavement. Sealed proposals for furnishing the materials and constructing about 20,600 sq. yds. of Telford Macadam pavement, with gutters and edge stones, for the "Cast High Lorel Drive" of the Doan Brook Parkway, between St. Clair and Superior streets, in tho city of Cleveland, 0., will be received by tho Board of Park Commissioners of sald city, at the office of said board, room 12 Heard block, No.

78 Euclid avenue, until 2 o'clock p. m. of Wednesday, May 20, 1895. Each bid shall be enclosed in a sealed enFelope and deposited with the clerk of said board previous to the time named above. Said sealed envelope shall have endorsed thercon the nature of the same and the name of the bidder.

All bids will be opened At a regular meeting of the board to 10 held at its office on Wednesday, May 29, 1595, at 3:30 p. m. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bond signed by sufficicut sureties to the satisfaction of the board, for the acceptance of tho contract, it awarded, within five days (Sunday not Included) from May 20, 1805, or the bidder may deposit with the board in lieu of such bond, a certified check upon 601N0 solrent bank in said city, or cash, in tho sum of $5,000. No bid will be considered that is not made upon a blank form to furnished by the board. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Specifications regarding work, material and supplies, and blauk forms for bids and bonds. may be obtained at the office of 0. W. Pratt, Chief Engineer of sald hoard, room 717 Hickox building, No. 185 Duclid avenue, in said city.


YOUNG MEN Troubled with Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Pimples on the Face, Aversion to Society, Organic Weakness, Kidney and Bladder affectiona, or any form of Special Disease, oan here fod. a safe and speedy curo. CHARGES REASONABLE, especially to 11:0 poor without mercury BLOOD orinjurious drugs, chronic ailmerts SKIN DISEASES cured of the Nose, Throat, Bones, Mucous patches in Ulcers tho and Mouth, Painful Elotches, Swellings, Warty Piles, Growths. Fistula and Rectal Varicocelo, cured without pain. MIDDLE-ACED MEN.

of the Many are bladder, troubled causing with too frequent evacuations slight burning or smarting sensation and weakening ofthe system lu a munner the patient cannot account for. On examining tho urinary deposit. a ropy sediment will often be found, and sometimes particles albumen will appear, or the color ba of a thin milkish hue, again changing to a dark or torpid appearance. Many men, ignorant of the cause, die of this difficulty, the second stage of organio weakness. We guarantee a perfect care in all such case sand healthy restoration of the whole system.

TION FREE. Call or Write or send for question list and book for special hOME treatment. DR. SPINNEY CLEVELAND, O. 48 Public Square.

Private Entrance 111 Champlain St. Hours: 9A. M. to 9 P. Sundays: 9 to 11 A.

M. (Diamond English Pennyroyal Pills Tate Brand), are the Gest. Safe, Reliable. no other. Send for particulars, Relief for Chichester IN LETTER by At Druggists, A MAN -hood LOST can be restored.

Certain and permanent cure. Write for circu lar. ACOPA CHEMICAL Gillespie, Ilis. Trains on all roads run on Standard Time which is now identically the same 88 BALL'S TIME. CLEVELAND, BIG FOUR ROUTE Only sleeping line running solid trains with through cars and coaches from Cleveland to Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St.

This line is 32 miles shorter to Cothan lumbus and other 47 miles shorter to Cincinnati any line. For information call at ticket office, 239 Superior street. Tel. No. 910.

Depart. No. 17, Southwestern $3 30 No. 5, Cin. Ind.

Express. 158m Cin. 40 a No. No. 27, Ind.

Columbus St. Louis 20pm No. 25, Ind. 0Up DA No. 00pm Wellington Ac.

Sunday only 8 30a1 For tickets call on D. JAY COLLVER. D. City B. Ticket MARTIN.

Agent, No. 239 Superior Cleveland, st. G. P. T.

1 Cincinnati 0. LAKE SHORE SOUTHERN MICHIGAN RY. EAST. City Ticket Office. Arrive.

Depart." DASTWARD. 18, City Ticket Office, Arrive. Depart. No. 22, N.

Southwest C. 15am 58am No. No. 25, N. Y.

Bos. 30am No. 86, Atlantic Express. 60pm 00pm No. 10, Limited Fast Mail.

vUpIu No. 0., N. B. Sp. 7 35pm 10pm No.

40. Tol. de Buff. 19 10pm 10um 19 35pm Day Express. No.

No. 114, 116, Conneaut l'ainesville 00pm No. 112, 14 30p10 No. Palmesville 15 25 pI No. 120, P'n'v'e, Sun.

only 4 30p1 Oberlin 40am WESTWARD. 189 Superior St. Arrive. Depart. No.

11, Southwest 20am 'No. 15, B. C. Lim 458 50am No. No.

Day 00uur Western 25am 40am No. 47. Spl. Limited Mail. 20pm Lopiu No.

No. 141, Sandusky 13 20pux 10pm 05pm No. No. 3. 37, Fast Pacitic Mail 23pm 50pm No.

Limited. 65pm 59pm 111, Pain'v'e CI. Ac 17 No. 115, Conneaut 18 20am No. 117, Painesville Ace 110 00am No.

119, Sun. only 9 00am No. 120, Oberlin 14 40pm Sunday. Valley Ry. I City Depot Office, Foot S.

137 Water Superior. St. Arrive. Depart. Akron Canton 00am 30pm Akron, Canton Val.

Jt. 108 13pm Valley Jt. Way 30pm 10am Akron, Chicago. 10am 30pm Akron, Canton, Wooster, Defiance, Garrett, MArietta, Wheeling, Washington, D. and Baltimore 12 55pm t11 00am except Sunday.

Pullman Pulace Vestibule slceping cars between Cleveland and Chicago. All trains etop at EuNICKEL RATE. clid l'earl avenue, St. City Broadway, ticket RR. omice, 224 Bank St.

Eastward. Arrive. Depart. No. 2, N.

Y. P. 53am 082m No. Eastern 30pm 41 pu No. 4, Cleveland 19 00pm Westward.

Arrive. Depart. No. 3, Chicago Mail 6 00am No. 1.

Chicago 00pm No. 5, Western 48am Soul Local 3 50pm 5 10pm Lorain 17 4am 19 25110 Vermillion 13 00pm 18 30am except Sunday. Cloveland Union Station. ennsuivania lines. Foot of Bank Street.

TICK OFFICES at Station, Euolid Woodland and Weddell House corner. 'TRAINS RUN AB TO FOLLOWS BY OUNTRAL "Daily. except Sunday. From Cleveland to Leave. Arrive.

Pittsburg 1700am 10pm Salem Pittsburg 00am 30pm Pittsb'g, Bellaire East. 112 45pm 16 25pm Philadelphia New York 40pm $11 25am Baltimoro Washington. 40pm Alliance 40pm 25am Raveuna 13 25pm 19 50am Hudson Raveuna $5 00pm 2 Philadelphia New York. -11 10pm 25um Washington. 10pm 25am Allianco 10pm Mt.

Vernon Pan- Handle Route. From Cleveland to Arrive. Xenia 40am 15pm Akron Columbus 400 $5 15pm Akron, Colum. 45pm 12 10pm Akron Orrville 13 25 pm 19 607m Columbus 00 pt 5581 ERIE LINES. TICKET OFFICES: 141 Superior Street and Ceutral Station, So.

Water and Viaduct. Arrive. 8, Col. 00am No. 26, Columbus 4503 No.

Cin. No. No. 24, Wellington 20p 2, Cin. Ind.

50pm No. 14, Ind. St. Louis 12 50am 18, Southwestern Nos. 17 and 18 do not stop at N.

P. 0. depot. No. 9, leaving at 8:00 p.

has local sleeper for 'Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Peoria. No. Depart. 1-Canton, Cosh'n Zanesv'e Mall 3 7 00am 00pm 8-Canton Carrollton 0 Opiu -Kent Accommodation 11 8 101 45pm Arrive. 4--Canton, Cosh'n Zanesv'e Mail 6 No.

2-Ounton Coshocton 12 9 00 3am Kent Accommodation Carrollton 3 00am 7 50pm Suburban trains for Newburg and Bedford depart 7:00, 7:15, 11:10 Arrive n. 7:10, 3:00. 5:15. 9:33 a. and D.

m. 12 noon, 5:10. 6:30 and p. In. 11:10 a.

10., 3:15 and 6:05 p. m. Arrive 7:10. 9:35 Traing for Chagrin Falls depart 7:15, a. 12 noon, 5:10, 7:50 p.

m. Falls Sunday trains for Chagrin Arrive 8:00 a. depart 7:50 8:50 a. 8:45 p. m.

p. in. Sunday only, Kent Accommodation departs 8:50 CLEVELAND, LORAIN WHEELING R'Y. Time Table in Effect Monday, 1805. Cleveland Depot Foot of South Water Street.

"Going South. 1 A.M. 3 P.M. P.MI. Cloreland, Depart 7 20 1 00 4 30 Medina 831 2 49 Massillon 45 3 22 710.

Canal Dover 10 30 4 00 7 8 57 New I'hiladelphia 37 4 17 8 0, 25 Uhrichsville 10 55 4 37 P.M. Bridgeport 12 53 6 0 2. 55 Bellaire Going North. A.M. A.M.

1 15 Bellaire, Depart 0 6 00 20 11 12 15 13 Bridgeport A.M. P.M. Ubrichsvillo 5 20 8 8 47 23 28 New Canal Dover Philadelphia 5 45 8 55 250 5 38 Massillon 6 30 9 45 5 3 00 45 Medina 7 44 11 00 P.M. Cleveland, Arrive 9 000 12 10 615 ville, 7:20 2:28 a. p.

from Ubrichsville to Clevefrom Cleveland to Uhrichsland. rung daily. All others dally except Sunday. THE DETROIT NAV. AND Superior St.

CLEVELAND Wharl STEAM DETROIT and all Michigan 10 DAILY, TO Mackinao, excapt Alpena, and Sunday, Way (Ports, Thursday, 10 p. m. except Sun. Depart. Arrive.

New York Pitts. 15am Main Pittsburg Accom .111 152m 45Am 45pm N. Special Y. Spl. Pittsburg Pitts.

50pm $10 00pm 30am Pitteburg Express 00pm 18 50pm N. Y. Pittsburg 15pm 00pm Cleveland, City Ticket Office, No. 141 Saperior St STATION: ONTARIO HURON. In effect May 5, 1895.

TIME In 21-.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.