Two for Tripping (Into Love) - Chapter 18 - Mrs_Boojangles (2024)

Chapter Text

Wednesday frowned as she leaned back in her chair, her eyes constantly following Enid as she tore across the ice, the wolf's displeasure practically visible as she slammed into another opposing player. The brunette pursed her lips in thought, crossing her legs as she absently tugged on the cuff of her sweater, Enid's team hoodie permanently affixed to her smaller frame. She normally enjoyed the sight of her girlfriend in her completely unhinged state, loved to see Enid throw the body on basically anyone on the ice, loved to see Enid's more feral nature show itself during the energetic competition. She hated, however, seeing Enid upset, her wolf's emotional turmoil bleeding out into her performance, the team captain having already been penalized three times during the game, the time having just barely dented the second period.

Enid had been picking fights with anyone on the other team, had already fought one of the defensive players just to vent her irritation, the poor girl taking a mean right hook and crumpling to the ice. Wednesday noticed several of the officials already talking with both Enid and Coach Pappas, the gorgon sharing emphatic words with the wolf, once she'd made it back to the bench. Still, she hadn't once settled, Wednesday possessed by the need to sneak into the locker room in between periods and physically calm the wolf down herself. She didn't, instead sitting in her seat along the ice and keeping a keen eye on Enid, her scowl worsening when the blonde was whistled for interference, and thrown back into the penalty box. Wednesday huffed and leaned forward, bracing her elbows on her knees and threading her hands together, staring across the ice to her seething partner.

Divina sighed beside her, the siren's frown worsening as she purposefully leaned back in her chair and folded her hands atop her head, her own focus fixated on Enid.

"This trip out to Cali's really got her messed up, doesn't it?" The siren turned in her seat and looked to Wednesday, "I haven't seen her this keyed up in a long time."

Wednesday grumbled and nodded her head, her eyes narrowing, "She has been dreading our trip since that coward of a man requested her," she straightened in her chair the moment Enid touched back onto the ice, "I worry what will become of her when we return to that house."

She nodded in agreement, "The beginning of the summer was rough for her, not even being able to go home," Divina winced as Enid staple-gunned another player to the end boards, "I'm glad we were able to be there and give her a good summer, but I just know how much that killed her."

The seer gritted her teeth, a faint growl rolling up her throat as she struggled to remain seated, her frown worsening as the period progressed. Wednesday didn't relax once, even after Enid scored off a redirect and howled out her frustration, the constant silver burning in the usually blue eyes enough to physically turn the seer's stomach. She shuffled to the very edge of her seat, studying her girlfriend and the rigid line of her shoulders beneath the heft of her padding, the tension in her neck easily visible, even from across the ice. Wednesday was up out of her seat at the sound of the second period horn, the determined brunette turning as she sprinted up the steps, and crashed out into the outer concession ring of the massive stadium. She approached her usual stairwell, the security officer on duty frowning at the sight of her.

"Miss Addams-"

"I will only be a moment," Wednesday worked her jaw, hiding her hands away in her sleeves as she masterfully curbed her anger, "I need to speak with Enid."

He sighed, glancing about the milling crowds out for intermission before rolling his eyes, and letting her through to the private rear hallways of the large building. Wednesday pounded down the steps and hurried around to the back of the tunnel, catching sight of the team's equipment manager, Rina, placing pairs of gloves on several loud blowing machines. The woman startled at the sudden appearance of the tiny seer, her gold eyes wide before she shook off the surprise and frowned in confusion.

"You're not supposed to be down here-"

"I am here for Enid."

Rina huffed and shook her head, "The players are with their coach for intermission, you can't-"

"I'll wait."

Wednesday leaned back against the wall, Rina rolling her eyes in irritation before continuing on with her work, the brunette glaring down the tunnel toward the glimmering ice. She ignored the sound of the music, Pappas eventually leaving out of the locker room, blinking away her surprise at seeing the staunch Wednesday waiting off near the back of the corridor. Kassandra snorted a brief laugh and leaned back into the locker room, calling for Enid before tossing up a small wave, and wandering back toward the bench. Enid ripped the door open, confused for a brief moment before she noticed her girlfriend, the blonde's face falling as she immediately approached Wednesday, stress creasing her forehead.


The brunette shook her head, grasping the front of her jersey and dragging her down into a quick hug, Wednesday commiserating just how much shorter she was when Enid was on her skates. Her eyes fluttered closed once Enid whimpered and buried her face in Wednesday's shoulder, the brunette firmly hugging around her shoulders and purposefully squeezing, fingers lightly massaging away the tension that bled down the back of the blonde's neck. She pulled away, brushing the sweaty hair away from Enid's face before she kissed her jaw, patting the captain's C on the front of the wolf's jersey.

"Breathe," she requested softly, searching the silver eyes as she cupped Enid's chin, "I worry for you, Enid. I promised you I would not allow you to face them alone."

Enid nodded her head, pinching her eyes closed as she braced her hands on Wednesday's waist and blindly kissed her head, "I know," she whispered, folding herself over to lay her head on her girlfriend's shoulder, "But I can't focus on anything else."

"Then focus on me," Wednesday nudged Enid's head in a silent request, her hands laying over Enid's stomach when she pulled away, "You have not scored a goal for me in quite a while, querida."

The wolf's face twitched into a faint smile, the tiniest hint of blue flickering in the glowing eyes, "I love you," Enid bent and kissed her cheek, nuzzling their foreheads together before straightening her shoulders, "I'll get the game winner for you, ma lune."

"Mi vida," she whispered reverently, quickly grasping Enid's chin and firmly kissing her, "I will see you after the game."

Wednesday ignored the fluster in her belly when Enid immediately nodded before scurrying back into the locker room, the brunette quickly turning on her heel and hauling back toward the entrance leading her upstairs. She moved quickly, slipping through the crowds and dodging into the doorway leading to her section, pounding herself down the steps and grabbing her usual end seat against the glass. She ignored the knowing smirk from Divina, Wednesday's face burning as she reclaimed her spot and settled in for the final stanza, hoping that her attempt to calm Enid had actually managed to work. Her breath caught as the captain charged first out of the tunnel, a severity still about Enid as she cut across the ice in preparation for face off, her eyes lifting up and landing directly on Wednesday.

Enid ghosted a faint smile and blew her a kiss before sliding her helmet down and moved to her spot at the circle, the period starting with a clean Nevermore win. Wednesday watched with interest, the earlier overly-frenetic behavior appearing to have cooled significantly, Enid clearly only focused on Wednesday's request for a goal, the seer pleased to see that her trick offered the barest hint of solace for her aching partner. She worked her jaw as the period bled on, the score tied at two with only minutes left to spare, Enid picking up a loose puck and screaming down the left wing boards. Her first shot pinged off the crossbar, the stadium alive with nervous anticipation as the teams scrambled near the netminder, Wednesday's heart already pounding as she watched them battle away in the blue painted crease. Her eyes drifted up to the scoreboard, the final minute ticking down to seconds, her heart wedged in the back of her throat.

Her eyes widened at the sight of her girlfriend managing to get her stick down on the ice in just enough time to jam the puck across the goal line, the horn screaming with only three seconds left in regulation. Wednesday was out of her seat before she could even stop herself, catching eyes with Enid as she finally smiled, Yoko all but tackling the wolf in ecstatic celebration. The seer deflated in relief, the tension bleeding out of her body for now, pleased that Enid had managed even a moment of peace for herself, their impending trip having damaged her wolf's usually congenial moods. She reclaimed her seat, watching Enid blow a kiss to the crowd before she approached Wednesday's seat and tapped her black and white striped blade against the glass, winking at her girlfriend before hauling across the ice to tap gloves with her teammates. The final faceoff was perfunctory, the last whistle blowing to signify the end of the hard-fought game, Nevermore the proud victors.

Wednesday was already up and out of her seat with Divina trailing behind her, determined to beat the crowds as they were ushered down to their usual waiting spot at the end of the tunnel, the seer eager to again lay eyes on Enid. Yoko eventually cleared the tunnel first, Enid closing out behind her as she stepped around the vampire and made a beeline for Wednesday, the wolf stooping just enough to pick her girlfriend up and squeeze her in a grateful hug. Wednesday hummed in content, already used to Enid's customary greetings as she wrapped her legs around the blonde's middle and instinctively clamped herself in place, leaning her head atop the arms wrapped around Enid's neck.

"Are you all right?"

Enid nodded, hugging Wednesday even closer, "Yeah," she pulled away, grinning softly as she looked up into the curious, dark eyes, "Thanks for taking care of me, Wens."

She nudged their foreheads together before stealing a kiss, Wednesday sighing quietly as Enid finally put her back on her own two feet. Yoko happily bounced over to meet them, Divina tucked up along her side, the pair sharing in a delighted smile.

"Do you guys have time to get dinner before you have to catch your flight?"

Wednesday shook her head, melding herself into Enid's side and connecting their hands, "No, we are to return home to collect our luggage and be off to the airport."

"Bummer," Yoko looked to Enid before playfully punching her in the arm, "You need any backup, give me a call. I've got not problems fighting that absolute c*nt of a woman for you."

"Get in line," Enid laughed, stealing an affectionate look to Wednesday before glancing back at her friends, "Hugs for the road? I'm gonna miss you guys."

Wednesday detangled from her girlfriend, Enid easily walking forward and collecting both Divina and Yoko into a tight bear hug, both the women squeezing her just as firmly. Enid felt a swell of emotion as she hid her face in Yoko's shoulder and hugged them closer, her voice wavering when she finally pulled away.

"I love you guys, thanks for always having my back. I can't wait until we do Christmas when we all come back, it's gonna be fun," Enid exhaled a slow breath through pursed lips as she stepped back and regarded them both, "Wish me luck."

Yoko snorted and roughly swatted her hand over Enid's shoulder, "You're gonna be okay, especially since your girlfriend might kill the whole f*cking family," she looked to the rage on Wednesday's face, "I'll bail you out of prison. Thanks for going with our girl, I know you've got this."

She seriously nodded her head, waiting patiently for the trio to say their goodbyes before reclaiming Enid's hand and heading off in the direction of the elevators. They stepped outside, Lurch already awaiting their arrival with the back door open, Wednesday's face contorting in confusion as Pugsley stepped out of the back seat. He laughed and approached them both, meeting them at the back of Enid's already waiting car.

"I figured it'd be easier to do it this way, Lurch already has your luggage in the back of the limo. Enid, do you wanna throw your hockey stuff in the back, and I'll just start down toward home now?"

Enid nodded, impressed as she unlocked her car and popped the hatch, "Yeah, thanks, Pugs! I appreciate you driving my car down, it'd be weird to be without it for a whole month," she stowed her gear before handing the keys off, "The gas is already full, so you should be good. Safe travels, guess we'll see you in a couple days."

Pugsley grinned and tossed the keys in his hand before saluting to the women and skirting around them before slipping behind the wheel, the engine rumbling to life only seconds later. Wednesday led them to the limo and motioned Enid in first, the wolf sliding onto the seat beside Esmeralda and smiling across to Gomez and Morticia, the seer claiming the empty spot beside her. Grandmama smirked and offered a covered bowl to each of her girls, the old witch's smile quickly blooming across her face, humored by the eager smile on the wolf's flushed face. Enid's stomach loudly growled in that moment, the wolf hardly sheepish as she accepted her food and handed the other to Wednesday, quickly ripping off the lid and taking in a lungful of delicious smelling dumplings.

"Oh my god, these smell so good, thank you so much!"

Esmeralda waved her off, gesturing for both of them to dig in to their makeshift dinner, "Aye, wolf, did you really expect to be allowed off on an empty stomach? And how was your game, were you victorious?"

Enid hummed around a mouthful of food, eagerly nodding her head. They shared in a laugh, Morticia leaning into her husband's shoulder as the car continued onto the airport, her eyes flickering between the two still working on their dinner, a wistfulness about the family matriarch. They chattered aimlessly before Lurch finally pulled up to the departures side of the airport and dragged in next to the curb, Enid nervously licking her lips as she looked out the window to the swelling crowds at Burlington International. Wednesday easily collected her hand and lovingly clasped it to her knee, tossing a quick look to her parents before the rear door opened, the seer stepping out and tugging Enid along behind her. The rest of the family piled out to follow the two women, Lurch opening the hatch door for Enid as she bent down to grab their shared luggage for their hopefully short trip out to California. She smiled in thanks to Lurch, noticing the rest of their things already loaded for winter break, the wolf relieved that they could simply fly straight home to New Jersey.

Morticia stopped in front of the girls once they were prepared to head off inside, the woman already reaching for Enid as the wolf easily walked into her arms, the elder seer squeezing her in a warm, comforting hug.

"You are strong," she whispered against the blonde hair, and kissed the top of Enid's head, "Do not allow her to make you feel small, rosebud. Know that we will be here for you, regardless of what happens."

Enid fought her tears, shamefully hiding her face in Morticia's shoulder, "Yes, ma'am," she mumbled, sniffling quietly as she pulled away and met the patient gaze, "I appreciate how much you and the family have always supported me, even before Wens and I started dating."

Gomez chuckled and wrapped an arm around them both, affectionately hugging them into his sides, "Demonia, we have always viewed you as family. And as such, we will always be here to protect you," he snickered as he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "I look forward to the day you wed our Wednesday."

The blonde flushed and nodded, accepting Gomez's kiss to her temple before she pulled away, catching the brilliant blush on her girlfriend's face, Wednesday sure to have heard her father's obvious aside. Esmeralda shooed the others away, gesturing Wednesday closer before she tightly hugged Enid and just barely squeezed Wednesday's wrist, offering silent strength to them both. The old witch stifled a laugh when she released her girls, her eyes switching back and forth between them, a glint about Esmeralda as she straightened the strings on Enid's hoodie.

"Give them hell," her gray eyes flickered deviously as she looked up at the emotional blonde, "Keep my granddaughter out of prison, wolf."

Wednesday rolled her eyes, reaching for the handle on their bag before grabbing Enid by the hand, ducking in through the airport doors and away from her overbearing family. They cleared security and wandered off to their gate, the brunette curling into her girlfriend's side as they awaited their boarding call, the incessant chatter around them already grating on her nerves. Enid couldn't keep from fidgeting, her anxiety spiraling the closer they came to actually leaving off for the city, their red-eye flight meant to land in San Francisco just after midnight. Wednesday quietly moved herself more into Enid's space, her voice low as she goaded Enid into casual conversation, the wolf gratefully prattling on about the rest of their hockey season, hoping they'd make the playoffs. Wednesday kept Enid's mind occupied and her hands busy, the seer's entire body flush with affection over how Enid always toyed with her fingers whenever they were together, guiding along the thick scar that cut along her palm.

They eventually boarded the packed flight, Wednesday curled up in her window seat in first class, Enid shuffling to get herself comfortable as they settled in together, their joined hands purposefully kept in the blonde's lap. Wednesday leaned against Enid's shoulder for the duration of their flight, whispering casual Spanish words to her girlfriend whenever her anxious fidgeting would worsen, the effect always immediately calming her partner down. Enid was a nervous wreck by the time they touched down in her home town, the blonde's claws having slipped out on their descent, nearly shredding the tops of her red jeans by the time they hit the darkened runway. Wednesday remained glued to Enid once they were released from their seats, the seer easily collecting their luggage and hauling out toward the rental car depot.

She stopped off at the counter, Enid's hand still firmly in hers as she stared at the half-conscious clerk, her dark eyes glaring a hole through the frail-looking young man.

"Pick up, last name Sinclair."

The worker startled at the surprisingly harsh tone, his fingers flying across the keyboard before he swallowed and looked at the two women, "Do you have your ID, or registration-"

Enid offered a small smile and nudged around Wednesday, pulling the wallet from her pocket before handing off her license, quickly fishing her phone out to also show her confirmation email. He nodded in thanks, casting a wary look to Wednesday before he checked them in and walked them back toward a bright blue Prius, offering Enid the keys and the rest of her paperwork for her stay in the city. She nodded in thanks, Wednesday shoving their bag in the back seat before falling into the car, reconnecting their hands the minute Enid led them out of the car park and hit the open highway. The drive to their hotel was mercifully uneventful, the wolf's hands shaking terribly by the time they parked at the valet and marched into the lobby of their hotel, Wednesday's countenance entirely stormy as she slunk off toward the front desk.

She hardly waited for the woman to finish her standard greeting, "Last name Addams."

Enid sighed quietly, flashing an apologetic smile, "With two D's."

The woman nodded curtly, quickly punching them up and sliding their keycards, Wednesday not even sparing a passing glance as she swiped them off the counter and led her girlfriend off to the elevator. Enid relaxed the moment the doors closed, pressing into Wednesday's side, searching for the quiet strength of her enervated partner as she struggled to keep a new wave of tears at bay. Wednesday forced herself to calm her temper, accepting the weight of Enid's distress as she leaned up and kissed her scarred cheek, their walk down to their suite silent before the seer guided them into the lavish, comfortable room. She slammed the door behind them, filtering off toward the bedroom and tossing their luggage onto the edge of the bed, stern gaze quickly surveying the massive bedroom. Wednesday sat, quickly removing her boots and tucking them off toward one of the side tables, her dark eyes landing on the blonde left fidgeting by the door.

"Take your clothes off."

The wolf smiled on reflex, an incredulous laugh tumbling from her lips as she obediently peeled off her old team hoodie, "Wens-"

Wednesday shook her head, approaching Enid and briefly kissing her lips, fingers just catching along two of her belt loops, "Allow me to care for you."

She waited for the faint nod, Wednesday satisfied enough as she shuffled off toward the joining bathroom and set about filling the large spa tub, using one of the bath bombs already left per her request in the hotel room. The seer dropped it in and fled toward the bedroom, her cheeks flushing at the sight of Enid standing fully in the nude at the end of their bed, her eyes wandering as she distractedly removed her own clothes. Wednesday worked on tying her braids up before holding her hand out for Enid, her heart skipping when the wolf gratefully accepted it, their hands naturally threading together as they moved through the rooms. Wednesday pushed back into the bathroom and gestured Enid into the tub, adjusting the jet settings once her girlfriend settled, the blonde's head lulling back against the edge of the basin. Wednesday reveled in the sight of Enid already relaxing, the tiny brunette creeping herself in the tub, purposefully curling herself up in her girlfriend's arms.

Enid hummed in content, shifting her knees to pull Wednesday fully against her chest, her fingers trickling over the brunette's hip beneath the steaming water.

"Mm, did you get this room for the tub alone? Talk about heaven."

Wednesday nodded, leaving a trail of kisses over Enid's face and jaw, devotion buzzing in her veins as she snuggled herself up under the blonde's chin, loosely hugging around her middle.

"I made sure to have the proper amenities," she closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth around her, "I wanted to take care of you, as I am well aware of your distress over this trip."

Enid swallowed the lump in her throat, her eyes pestered with tears as she hugged her tightly, burrowing into Wednesday's neck, "Love you," she mumbled, blindly kissing the ball of Wednesday's shoulder, "Thanks for coming with me. I don't know what I would do here by myself, I don't think it would end well."

Wednesday bobbed her head and leaned back just enough to kiss the soft lips, breathing in their fleeting moment of joy and mutual comfort. They lounged for a while before Wednesday finally climbed out of the tub, toweling off just enough before slipping into one of the offered robes, gathering a second as she waited for her girlfriend to join her. Enid followed suit, drying herself off and slipping into the lush robe, humming in obvious bliss. She ordered pizza to their room at such a late hour before curling up in bed to wait, Wednesday tugging her robe open to nestle against her naked side, hands lovingly running over the length of her scars. The wolf regretfully broke away to collect their impromptu dinner once they heard a quiet knock at their suite door, Enid quickly stress-eating all but two of the slices, leaving the others for a quietly grateful seer. Wednesday flicked through the channels for something mindless to fill the silence, Enid stopping her on cartoons as they tangled up in bed together to relax, sleep eluding them both.

It was almost eight the next morning when Enid's phone rang on the bedside table, a sickening dread pooling in her stomach as she glared at the screen, registering her father's name across the glass. Wednesday growled, her robe falling off both shoulders as she quickly climbed over Enid and swiped the device, sneering at the name on the screen before she ragefully answered the call.

"Is that deplorable woman still-"

Enid hurried to snatch the phone out of her girlfriend's hand, biting back a smile at the furious glare she received before she put the phone up to her ear and slowly sighed, "Hi, dad."

Murray cleared his throat, his voice tight with tangible discomfort, "Hey, kiddo, did you make the trip okay?"

"Yeah, we're here... is mom at the house? I really don't-"

"She's gone," he sighed again, a faint din sounding in the background, "Your brothers came to get her just a bit ago, so you should be clear to come by any time. I... don't know when they're due back, figured I'd let you know now."

The blonde sighed again, bracing a hand on Wednesday's bare shoulder as the brunette continued to straddled her legs, Enid's eyes falling closed as she centered herself on the volcanic rage above her, "Okay. We'll grab some breakfast and then head over."

Enid ended the call, letting her phone drop onto her stomach before she covered her face with her hands, a faint whine growling up from the back of her throat. Wednesday visibly frowned, adjusting the weight of herself as she straddled Enid's hips and reached down, running her fingers through the soft blonde hair and rubbing her way down toward the back of her neck, frowning at the obvious, tensing knots. The wolf grumbled, moving to grip one of the wandering hands and pressing it over her rapidly beating heart, soothed by the cool touch against her bare skin, beyond grateful for the steadfast presence. Enid noisily sighed as she uncovered her face and clung to the touch against her chest, her eyes glowing silver as they helplessly looked to Wednesday.

"I don't wanna do this," she ground her canines, her brow tensing with obvious fear, "I should have just told them to burn everything."

Wednesday shook her head, grasping the lapels of Enid's robe and hauling her up to sit, "Querida, you are entitled to your own things," she breathed softly, loosely draping her arms around the overly tight shoulders, "If there is as little remaining as you say, our visit will be short, and I will protect you however necessary."

The blonde whimpered, hiding her face away in Wednesday's chest, "Why does she have to hate me, Wens? Why can't I be good enough?"

She sighed heavily, moving herself to better curl her entire body around Enid as she dropped a meaningful kiss to her cheek scars, "She does not deserve you," Wednesday shuffled forward on her knees, pulling away just enough to cradle Enid's chin in her hand, "You are more than good enough, mi vida, you are more than the hatred she holds for you. Please, remember yourself, for you are extraordinary."

Enid worked to keep from crying, her smile watery as she exhaled a trembling breath and fell into Wednesday's arms, her hands balling up the plush softness of her robe, "I f*cking love you, Wens," her shoulders shook in a quiet sob before she straightened up, leaning her chin on Wednesday's chest, "In and out, okay? I wanna come back and enjoy that tub some more. That's... we can do that, right? If we don't wind up in a fight, anyway. I feel like this is gonna get ugly."

Wednesday nodded without hesitation, "We will do whatever you wish before our flight tomorrow, querida, even if we do not leave this room."

The wolf chanced a small smile, stealing a lingering kiss before letting Wednesday off her lap. Enid whimpered to herself as she climbed out of their bed and quickly dressed in pale gray jeans and a black Nevermore shirt, tugging her pink boots on before running a nervous hand through her hair. She sat on the bed and waited for Wednesday, the seer wearing all black and carrying an air of defiance about her, drawing a faint smile from Enid as she stood to meet her. They took turns washing up before escaping their room and heading down for their car, Enid stopping off at her favorite little bistro for a quick breakfast and a large, double hot chocolate. Wednesday powered through her croissant and sipped at her cinnamon brew, their hands held protectively across her lap.

Enid audibly swallowed as she made the final turn off toward her parents' house, her claws snapping out and easily biting into her palm, the wolf wincing at the fresh lance of pain. Wednesday frowned, kissing the hand she held as Enid parked off to the side of the Sinclair pack's homestead on the outskirts of the city, the motionless silence perfectly deafening once she cut the engine. Enid focused on her breathing as she removed the keys and dropped them on her lap, her lips twisting as she stared at her childhood home, her lungs struggling beneath the weight of such lifelong agony. She stole a glance to Wednesday, her paramour staring directly at her and lightly squeezing their joint hands, Enid inhaling sharply before jerking her head in an anxious nod.


Wednesday nodded, releasing her grip on Enid and climbing out of the car, forcing herself to remain beside it, her anger already burning hot in her chest and spreading outward, her hands curling into fists. Enid crept around the car and moved to meet her, the front door of the house already opening in anticipation of their visit, the old hinges creaking beneath the weight. Murray Sinclair stepped out onto the porch, his beard nearly completely silver and his face decidedly tired, a small smile curling beneath his mustache at the sight of his youngest finally coming home. He moved to meet them, Wednesday unable to stifle a furious snarl as she walked ahead of her girlfriend, meeting the man head on in a clear, vicious challenge. He quickly backpedaled away from the noxious fury, Wednesday glaring up at him and nearly in his face, Enid just barely snatching her by the back of her hoodie and reeling her back into her arms. The blonde smiled briefly, a secure arm wrapped around Wednesday's middle as she regarded her visibly disturbed father, Enid comforted by the seer's rage.

"Dad, you remember Wednesday. We're dating now, if you haven't heard. And she, um-"

"I am here to ensure her safety," Wednesday ground her jaw, her anger practically icing the air around them, "You would do well to keep your wife away from Enid."

Murray swallowed and nodded, moving himself aside to allow them entrance into the home, Wednesday keeping her eyes locked on his until the last possible moment. Enid hesitated at the doorway, her body rigid with horrific stress from returning after so long away, her eyes carefully drifting along the silent, untouched interior. Wednesday let go of her own rage for a moment, stepping into Enid's side and reaching for the flexing, shaking hand, standing half in front of her girlfriend to catch the wandering eye.

"Querida," she whispered softly, stepping into the blonde's front and tugging on the hem of her sweatshirt, "Tell me what is on your mind."

Enid whimpered, quiet tears already spilling down her pale face, "I don't belong here," she whispered tightly, her grip clenching around Wednesday's hand, "I don't think I ever did."

Wednesday exhaled a soft breath and shook her head, peering over her shoulder toward the living room, staring at a family portrait atop the mantle. Her breath caught at the sight of it, Enid purposefully missing from the seemingly recent photograph, a black wave of rage curling up from the pit of Wednesday's stomach. She ignored the anger, forcefully shoved it away to instead focus on Enid, worried over the walls that crashed down around her soft-hearted girlfriend. She shook her hand loose and pressed up on the balls of her feet to wrap her arms tight around Enid's shoulders, letting her girlfriend come to pieces in her unwavering embrace, the sound of such visceral pain ripping her head to shreds. Wednesday mumbled soft words against Enid's neck as she loudly sobbed, her eyes glaring hard at Murray as he hovered on the porch, crestfallen at the sight of his only daughter in such an emotional mess. The seer comforted Enid just enough to usher her upstairs, refusing to allow the man to witness such vulnerability, Wednesday's overprotectiveness of Enid screaming along her every nerve.

The wolf stumbled as she navigated the stairs, following the path to her room on instinct as Wednesday steadied her along the way, Enid's grip crushing her old brass knob before she kicked in the door. She slammed the door behind them and collapsed on the edge of her bed, her sobs having loosened as she silently wept, Wednesday kneeling on the floor between her knees before weaseling her way into Enid's arms. She held her until the tears finally stopped, Enid sagging against Wednesday's shoulder as she sniffled uselessly, her face stinging from the relentless tears. She pulled away, laughing quietly as she cupped Wednesday's face and leaned down to sweetly kiss her, smiling against her lips before she pulled away.

"This is so stupid, we should be home with your parents," Enid breathed another small laugh, her thumb tracing over Wednesday's chin, "I know I shouldn't let them get to me, especially since it's been so long since she kicked me out. I just... I can't-"

"You are beautifully tender-hearted, querida," Wednesday offered a ghost of a smile, her face softening as she leaned up for a brief kiss, her thumbs sweeping away the lingering tears, "It is your immense capacity to love that I admire most of you, despite it leaving you open for such heartache."

Enid nodded, kissing over both of Wednesday's dimples before she wiped away her tears, gathering the remains of her courage as she glanced around the room. She sighed heavily, returning her attention to Wednesday as she bit back another sob, her thumbs lightly stroking over the tense jaw.

"All right, let's get this over with."

The wolf helped Wednesday stand before she pushed up from the bed, staring at what remained of her own personal things, her heart dropping at how little actually remained. Enid shuffled toward her dresser, many of the clothes already donated or back at the house in Jericho, her fingers tugging on the handles as she checked once more for good measure. Wednesday walked up beside Enid and slid her arms around her middle, pressing up to her tiptoes to drop her chin on Enid's shoulder.

"What do you need of me?" She whispered, her thumb stroking over the front pouch of Enid's hoodie, "What can I do to lessen your suffering?"

Enid leaned back into Wednesday, a sad smile curling across her pink lips, "Just talk to me," she requested softly, laying her hands over the arms hugging around her stomach, "There's not much left, but I just... wanna make sure I go through everything."

Wednesday nodded, kissing Enid's cheek before letting her go, the wolf releasing a ragged breath before she started off toward her closet. Enid started pulling boxes down off the shelves, Wednesday sitting on the floor outside the small room as the wolf tripped through her memories, offering glimpses into her past life as an accepted member of the Sinclair pack. Enid smiled wistfully as she poured through each box, hardly finding anything worthwhile as she searched for nearly two hours, a familiar box at the back of her closet immediately sparking her interest. She pulled down a bright pink shoe box and quickly scurried out of the closet, curling up on the floor beside Wednesday as she flipped open the lid. The wolf curiously hummed as she sorted through everything from ticket stubs to old keychains, Enid's face lighting up as she uncovered a small photo album buried at the bottom of the box.

She shoved the container off her lap and leaned into Wednesday, pulling the album across both their bent knees as she cracked the cover. Enid glanced up at her girlfriend, playfully nudging their shoulders together.

"If you've ever wanted to see me as a kid, have I got something great for you!"

Wednesday eagerly nodded, leaning her cheek against Enid's shoulder as they thumbed through the album, the seer's heart melting at the adorable sight of a five year old Enid. The blonde snorted and offered Wednesday the book instead, her dark eyes eagerly scanning each of the pages as she flipped through, pausing over a young Enid in her hockey uniform, missing her two front teeth. Wednesday smiled on reflex, her chest fluttering when her paramour easily kissed her dimple.

"You have always been precious, querida," she mumbled, her fingers trailing over the old photo, "There has always been such vibrancy in you."

Enid snorted and briefly nodded her head, snuggling into Wednesday's side, "Yeah, my grandmother used to say that, too. She always called me her little sunshine, especially because of my hair. I'm glad I found this stuff, this might be the only thing we take back."

"Poco sole," Wednesday looked up, searching the crystal blue eyes, "That is befitting of you, as you are the very light in my darkness as well."

The wolf teared up, sniffling quietly as she breathed a soft laugh and affectionately kissed the plush lips, "I love you so much, Wednesday," Enid curled an arm around the brunette's lower back and melded into her side, "I'm really glad you came with me."

"I would be nowhere else," Wednesday closed the book and reached for the still-open box before tucking everything in her lap, their eyes meeting with a spark of something electric, "I will always guard your heart, querida, as it is what I most prize."

Enid kissed her again, lingering in the softness of her lips before regretfully pulling away, the blonde peppering soft kisses all over Wednesday's adorably pink face. She eventually detangled them and kept searching, going through the bins beneath her bed and finding several of her hockey medals and trophies, tucking them into an empty box in the corner to hopefully mail back to the east coast. She went through her desk drawers and found an old lesbian pride flag pin, Enid again calling for her girlfriend and telling the story of her first pride in San Francisco, the essential beginning of the end of her relationship with her mother. Wednesday held her while she cried, cupping Enid's face once the tears dried and wiping away the thick tracks, the seer holding her hand out in silent permission. She fixed the pin to Enid's sweatshirt before kissing the frown off her face, a swell of pride overtaking her as she pulled away, her thumb lovingly stroking over Enid's chin.

"You are exceptional," she shifted closer, standing between Enid's parted knees, "May you never know such abandonment again, Enid. I will always support you and your ideals, even after I am no longer of this world. She is not responsible for the tenderness of your heart, nor the fire in your soul. You have risen above such hate, and I will always be proud of the strength you possess to stand alone for so many years."

The wolf stared at her in awe, vision blinded by tears as she inhaled a sharp, rattled breath, her fingers twisting in the back of Wednesday's hoodie, "You're... proud of me?"

"Immensely," Wednesday tipped forward, dropping a slow, adoring kiss to the soft lips, "And I will spend my life reminding you, as I meant it when I said I would make you an Addams."

Enid studied the clear devotion, her heart flipping as she struggled to catch her breath, overwhelmed by the sentiment from her usually stoic girlfriend. She stood, taking Wednesday into her arms and burying her face in the bow of her neck, her arms winding tightly around the petite brunette.

"The last time you mentioned marriage you were drunk," Enid chuckled briefly, kissing over the bite scar on Wednesday's neck before pulling back, gently brushing their foreheads together, "Do you really wanna marry me, Wens?"

Wednesday immediately nodded, "I would marry you tomorrow, querida, as nothing would make me happier."

She swallowed another sob, Enid pressing her eyes closed for a brief moment as she leaned into the resounding strength of her partner, her chest swelling with pride. Enid straightened, glancing about the ghosts of her memories in a room that hadn't been hers in over a year, any lingering sense of attachment suddenly abandoning her as she accepted her place in life no longer included the family pack. She grinned, looking back to the brunette still in her arms, Enid tugging Wednesday even closer before pitching forward and firmly kissing her, taking her time to enjoy a purposefully fierce kiss. They parted with a blissful sigh, Enid nosing along Wednesday's jaw before kissing a freckled cheek.

"Let's go home."

Wednesday nodded, Enid gathering her shoebox and passing it off to the brunette, hardly leaving a passing glance to anywhere else in the mostly barren room. Enid had cleared a lot of her own belongings from her room when she started off at college, the final, tiny fragments of her life able to fit inside two small boxes. Enid didn't even glance behind her as she ushered Wednesday out the door and back down the flights of steps, the wolf balancing her box of trophies on her shoulder as she followed down behind her. They hit the main floor, Murray sitting in the kitchen and nursing a cup of coffee, Enid leaving her two boxes by the door as she wandered in to meet him, Wednesday walking a protective half-step ahead of her. The man immediately stood, the two wolves regarding each other for a tense second, his shoulders falling as he glanced past her to the two boxes.

Murray sighed deeply, his hand absently scrubbing at his beard, "That's it, huh, kiddo?"

"Don't call me that," she said in a soft voice, her hand twisting in the back of Wednesday's hoodie to keep her in place, "I think we both know that I'm not your daughter anymore, and haven't been for a long time," Enid squared her shoulders, ignoring the burning threat of her tears, "I deserve so much better than what this family's shown me, and it's taken me years to finally see that."

He nodded solemnly, his own eyes silver as they filled with unshed tears, "You're right," his voice broke as he collapsed back into his seat and pressed a hand along the wrinkles in his forehead, "We did right by you as a pup, but... your mother's bigotry-"

"Wasn't my fault," Enid snapped, years worth of pain bubbling uncomfortably in her gut, her grip shifting on Wednesday to pull her back against her front, "I can't control who I'm attracted to anymore than you can, just look at who you f*cking married."

Murray winced at the biting tone, the tears spilling over his face, "Enid."

Enid growled, the rage suddenly spiraling in her chest as she carefully maneuvered around her girlfriend, slamming her hands down on the kitchen table.

"Don't Enid me, dad! Or should I call you Murray, since you're letting your wife kick me out of her pack," she growled, her colorful nails carving fine lines atop the oak wood, "We were so close when I was a kid, and then one incident with Sable, and suddenly it's conversion therapy, and lycanologists, and mandatory therapy. Do you know what the hell I needed? Do you have any goddamn idea?"

His face crumbled as he helplessly looked up at her, his hands creeping across the table in an attempt to calm her, Enid snarling as she shoved away, refusing to let him touch her. Murray swallowed and stood on shaking legs, his head nodding slowly.

"You needed a family," he whispered hoarsely, his eyes burning with such open heartache, "And we didn't give that to you when you needed us most."

"No," Enid sniffled, angrily shaking her head as she squeezed the hand that slipped into hers, "Every single one of you abandoned me, ignored me, belittled me because it took me so long to wolf out, took me so long to accept who I am. I trusted you and look at what happened. You know what?"

Enid shook her head, turning toward Wednesday as she roughly kissed the hand in hers before letting her go, the wolf angrily shoving a chair beneath the table to help tide her fury.

"I know what family is, and it isn't the Sinclairs. Wednesday is my family, and Yoko, Divina, my friends. The Addams family," she choked on the words, pinching her eyes closed as her tears worsened, "The Addams family immediately accepted me the second they met me, and I would do anything for any one of them. And when I marry Wednesday and lose this f*cking last name? It'll be the best goddamn day of my life."

The blonde growled out her frustration, turning away from her father and instead reaching for Wednesday, her vision blinded by the hot, endless tears, "Wens, let's go-"

Her blood suddenly ran cold, the sound of a door closing just outside causing her stomach to plummet, her nails biting out on reflex. Wednesday growled, immediately standing in front of Enid as the front door suddenly kicked open, Esther Sinclair waltzing into her house with her head held high, hateful amber eyes locked firmly on her youngest child. The elder wolf's entire demeanor changed once she locked eyes with Enid, her focus flickering to her husband for only a moment as she quickly heralded down the hallway, her face warping into a rageful, hideous mask.

"What the f*ck are you doing in my house?"

Enid instinctively put Wednesday behind her before she could protest, the blonde curling her lip in a snarl as she snapped her claws out and met the pack's alpha head on, refusing to back down from the dangerous rage she knew so well.

"We're leaving," she growled at Esther's sudden showing of her fangs, Enid's lengthening on instinct, "I'm not looking for a fight-"

"Then you shouldn't be in my house," she sneered, taking a step toward Enid, "I should have burned everything of yours and pissed on the ashes! You are a disgrace to the name Sinclair-"

"I won't have it much longer," Enid ignored the searing pain in her chest at such a comment, her lungs heaving as she struggled to keep her temper in check and her girlfriend from ducking out from behind her, "I'll be an Addams and nowhere near this f*cking family, which is exactly what you want."

Esther struggled to control her temper, her eyes burning yellow as her lip twitched, her long, thick claws snapping out on her hands as she quietly chuckled and suddenly struck her arm out, nails just barely grazing the skin around Enid's throat. Wednesday growled as she suddenly darted around Enid, hauling her fist back before crashing it into the hateful woman's jaw, her brass knuckles instantly splitting the skin as Esther stumbled into the wall in an obvious daze. Enid jerked forward, hauling Wednesday in by her hoodie and shoving her behind her, the blonde hunkering down in preparation for another fight, her fangs even longer as she awaited the inevitable war. Esther snarled and darted forward, Murray intercepting her at the last moment and wrapping her up in a bear hug, restraining her from moving even one more step two the two young women. Murray screamed out his rage, his own eyes burning silver as he wrapped her up tight and pinned her against the wall with his forearm across her neck, ignoring the shock on his daughter's face as he raised his voice for the first time in her presence.

"I will not let you hurt her again," he spit out, staring into the sallow, hateful eyes of his wife of thirty years, "Your hatred has already ruined our family, and I will not give you even one chance of harming my daughter again."

He snapped his head around to look to Enid, a chill skittering over his back once he noticed the fury burning across Wednesday's face.

"Take your things and go-"

"Murray," she snapped in a violent snarl, struggling to get herself free as she dig her claws into his forearm, blood dripping from the large cut across her jaw, "If you don't get your goddamn hands off me-"

"You'll what?" He laughed humorlessly, "Divorce me? Kill me? So be it! But you will not hurt Enid again, nor will you lay a filthy hand on her partner. Girls," he growled loudly, jerking his head toward the front door, refusing to take his eyes off his wife, "Get moving. And Enid, I'm sorry."

Enid swallowed, rooted to the spot in obvious shock, Wednesday walking around her and grasping her by the hand to hopefully remove them from the imminent danger. She moved toward the doorway, Esther fighting even harder to escape her husband, vile words pouring from her mouth as the girls attempted to leave the kitchen, the seer struggling to ignore such a hateful tongue. Wednesday gathered Enid and lightly pushed against her lower back, urging her through the door toward freedom, the seer finally turning toward the violent beast. The tiny brunette flashed her own teeth, her fingers adjusting their grip on her brass knuckles as she took a step forward, ignoring the warning signs around her, ignoring Enid's frazzled voice behind her, ignoring the crestfallen look on Murray's face. She stopped just out of reach of the elder wolves, her face twisted and rageful, eyes burning an unending coal black as she tilted her chin up and snorted in disgust, the scent of blood burning her senses.

"If you ever come near Enid again, I will kill you with my bare hands and string your entrails up from the rafters of my home," Wednesday stopped herself from taking a step forward once she felt the soft touch against her wrist, blind fury still screaming up from between her lungs, "She is mine now, and she will be made an Addams, will finally be able to rid herself of any connection to this satan-forsaken wolf pack."

The infuriated wolf thundered a growl, struggling even harder to escape her traitorous husband as Enid quickly bent to throw her girlfriend over her shoulder, Wednesday and Esther growling threats back and forth as the blonde quickly hurried out of the house. The seer grumbled and fisted the back of Enid's hoodie once they cleared the porch, her anger refusing to cool as her paramour finally put her back on her feet, Wednesday already moving to rush back into the house. Enid snagged her by the elbow, her face stained with tears as she silently pleaded with her to calm down, the brunette suddenly cupping Enid's face before leaning up to firmly kiss her. She relaxed after a long moment, slowly rocking back on her heels before their lips parted, Wednesday sighing against the tense jaw before gently shaking her head.

"I will return for your things-"

"I'll get them," Enid sniffled and wiped her sleeve across her eyes before handing the keys off to Wednesday, "I don't want you to go down for murder right now, please just sit in the car."

Wednesday begrudged, unlocking the doors and sliding into her seat, her dark eyes focused on Enid as she quickly darted into the house to collect the boxes by the door before hauling back to their rental. She threw everything into the back seat and quickly tore off toward the city, her hands shaking as they painfully gripped the steering wheel, knuckles white with despair. They didn't speak on the way back to the hotel, Wednesday slipping her brass knuckles back into her pocket as she stared out the windshield, her eyes stealing a quick, hopeful glance to her girlfriend. It was when they were only minutes away from the hotel that Wednesday reached out, ghosting her fingers along the back of Enid's wrist before accepting her hand in hers, the brunette kissing the tense knuckles before safely planting their hands in her lap. Enid checked in with the valet once they returned to their hotel, each of them grabbing a box before hauling across the lobby on the way to the elevators, quickly returning to their waiting suite.

Enid dropped the box off by the door and immediately disappeared into the bedroom, Wednesday eagerly following along behind her. She clicked the door closed just as Enid collapsed into sitting on the end of the bed, her face hidden away in her hands. Wednesday frowned and slowly walked forward, gently guiding Enid's hands away from her face before wrapping the wolf's arms around her middle, the seer hugging her girlfriend tight against her chest, arms folding around the quaking shoulders. She closed her eyes and reveled in the closeness, Enid gratefully melting into her arms and squeezing tightly, Wednesday running her fingers through the soft, blonde hair. She kissed the top of Enid's head, snuggling herself closer and offering her own strength to her clearly ailing partner, her self-loathing over not doing more for Enid already tearing a hole through her ribcage.

The wolf burrowed into Wednesday's arms, her first sob swallowed up by her hoodie before she finally broke, crying out her year's long heartache, the emotional toll already crumbling the last surviving walls that protected Enid Sinclair. Wednesday held her just as tightly, kissing all over Enid's head and face, her hands rubbing up and down her back in an attempt to soothe away the pain she couldn't even fathom, her jaw working against the injustice of such unwarranted treatment. They eventually climbed into bed, Wednesday pinned beneath Enid's weight as the blonde continued to cry into her chest, the sun setting by the time the tears had finally left her, the hollow, empty feeling loudly ringing in her ears. Enid sniffled, pillowing her cheek on Wednesday's shoulder as she attempted to clear her throat, her voice raspy after so many heavy, unstoppable tears.

"I'm so happy to have you, Wens," her words broke, another whimper escaping her parted lips, "I'm so happy that I've got someone who loves me for me, a-and supports me no matter what."

Wednesday nodded, snaking her arms tighter around Enid, "You deserve love and happiness, querida. You deserve to be taken care of, to be admired and loved, to be treated as a person, rather than your name."

Enid breathed a tearful, strangled laugh, her eyes falling closed as she nestled herself under Wednesday's chin and clung to the infallible strength, a sob hiccupped in her chest as her fingers worked into her girlfriend's sweater.

"It took me a long time to realize that," she said in a whisper, her throat aching, "I'm lucky to have the people I do, the people that take care of me," Enid lifted her head, shocking Wednesday with such an open, loving gaze, "I'm lucky to have you. You always protect me and take care of me, and make me feel so beautiful. I mean, you just punched my mom in the face, how crazy is that?"

"I would have preferred to finish the job," she hissed, her eyebrows twitching as she sighed out the rest of her anger, "I will never allow her to harm you again, Enid, it my responsibility as your partner to protect you from such darkness. I would do the same again, without hesitation, though I would have acted sooner."

The blonde sniffled, her eyes clearly searching the stern, protective snarl on Wednesday's face, her warm, pale hand shifting to gently cradle the seer's jaw. Enid softened, stress creeping away from her shoulders as she dipped her head down and brushed her lips to Wednesday's, taking her time to properly enjoy the calming, sensual touch. She hummed contentedly at the touch of Wednesday's cool fingers against her lower back, their lips parting with a faint smack as Enid lifted back to stare down at the dark eyes. Enid cleared her throat, her entire universe narrowing down to the face she loved so much, her affections for Wednesday easily outweighing the heartache of finally, officially behind removed from her blood pack.

"I love you so, so, so much, Wednesday. I've been nothing but stressed lately, and this pain that I feel now, after that random fight with her? It hurts, I can't even lie and say that it doesn't," Enid dropped her head, pressing them together as she studied the fire burning in the seer, "But it helps that you're here. It helps that you stood up for me, and it helped that I told him how I was feeling. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with her anymore, and I'm so glad you'd be willing to do anything to protect me."

Wednesday seriously nodded her head, regarding the wounded look on her girlfriend's face, "I would do anything for you, without hesitation. I would die for you, kill for you, live for you. You are what haunts my every waking thought, what drives me when I am feeling weak, what calms the whispers in my mind, what I look forward to every moment that I am of this plane. I love you with everything that I am, and I will spend the rest of my life at your side, if you will have me. Enid," she cupped her chin, waiting patiently for those pretty blue eyes to properly focus through the sea of tears, "I want you to marry me."

Enid snorted a soft, strangled laugh, fully melting into the strong body beneath her, sapphire eyes glowing with even more tears as she studied the rarely vulnerable obsidian eyes, a small grin creeping across her face, "Are you seriously asking, or-"

"I'm asking," Wednesday ghosted a tiny smile, her thumb lightly touching Enid's lower lip, the brunette's face suddenly burning with a bright, fitful blush, "I had initially planned for a much more elaborate, intimate proposal worthy of you. But... I find it in my heart to ask you now, to remind you of how deeply you are cherished and how desperately I find myself wanting to be yours for the rest of my eternity," her voice caught suddenly, thick with emotion as she relaxed beneath the comforting weight and softly smiled, falling into those mesmerizing eyes, "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, my partner, my future?"

The wolf laughed through her tears, her eyes pinching closed as she easily nodded her head, her arms sliding under Wednesday in a loose hug as she reached down to fervently kiss her lips.

"You're such a damn romantic. Of course I'll marry you, ma lune, I've only been thinking about it for three years," she laughed quietly again, lighter this time, euphoria swelling up in her veins as she eagerly kissed the smiling mouth, "Nothing would make me happier than actually being your wife, Wednesday Addams."

Wednesday held Enid close and endlessly kissed her, her fingers tingling as they slid down the back of her fiancée's neck and threaded with her soft hair, the seer's entire body flush with nothing short of reckless, undying devotion. Their lips parted, Wednesday holding Enid's smiling, tear-stained face in her hands, her heart buzzing at the idea of actually marrying the unrivaled love of her life, Enid Sinclair.

And gratefully, soon to be, Enid Addams.

Two for Tripping (Into Love) - Chapter 18 - Mrs_Boojangles (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.